Crime Watch


— As US$35K Finnish Trading Money Draws Bitter Water (Part I)

IPNEWS: In February 2021, a Finnish court started trying a Sierra Leonean accused of war crimes allegedly committed in Liberia between 2001 and 2002. In a first-of-its-kind move, the court temporarily relocated to Liberia for part of the trial.

Gibril Massaquoi had been living in exile in Finland for a decade. The charges associated with the alleged war crimes were brought against him in a Finnish court. According to a press release from the office of the former Solicitor General, Republic of Liberia, Cllr. Sayma Syrenius Cephus, stated that due to the logistical difficulties involved in moving witnesses to Finland, especially following the outbreak of Covid-19, the court decided to temporarily relocate to Liberia.

Fifty-year-old Massaquoi, originally from Sierra Leone, stood accused of torture and rape of civilians, crimes allegedly committed in Liberia during his time as a commander of the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) between 2001 and 2002.

On February 14, 2021, a day before the Finnish court officially moved to Liberia, the former Solicitor General Cllr. Sayma Syrenius Cephus told RFI via telephone in Monrovia that it is not true that the Finnish court will hold a trial in Liberia.

“There is no court transitioning to Liberia. What is being done is something like a deposition because there can be no foreign court that can fully be seated on Liberian soil to conduct the trial,” he emphasized that it was part of the mutual legal assistance (MLA) scheme which involves cooperation between different countries for the purpose of collecting and exchanging information, and not a full court trial.

“Under the MLA, we allow countries to come to Liberia and provide something that has to do with deposition and it is not assuming full court trial or a war crimes court coming to Liberia,” Cephus added.

In September 2019, Liberia’s President George Manneh Weah requested the legislature to advise and provide guidance to efforts leading towards the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission report, including the establishment of the Economic and War Crimes Court but no progress has been made as yet.

In all this, the authoritative Independent Probe Newspaper has reliably gathered that former Solicitor General Cllr. Sayma Syrenius Cephus, would soon be arrested for exposing internationally protected witnesses to undue harm.

According to classified transcripts obtained by IPNEWS detail how messy the former Solicitor General Cllr. Sayma Syrenius Cephus, allegedly worked to criminally conspired to defraud Global Governments in pursuing fraudulent War crimes prosecution for personal and financial gains.

The United States, Treasury Department’s recent sanction detail on Syrenius Cephus states that he ‘received bribes from people in exchange for having their court cases dropped and has also shielded money launderers and helped clear them through the court system.

The U.S. Sanction on Cephus also stated that He intimidated prosecutors in an attempt to quash probes and has been accused of tampering with evidence in cases that involved members of opposition political parties.

In the case of the United Nations-backed Special Court for Sierra Leone Protected witness Gbril Massaquoi, Darius Tweh, an advocate for fair prosecution of persons responsible for war crimes, narrates to the IPNEWS that Hassan Bility told him that former  Liberia  Solicitor General Saymah Cyrenius received thirty-five thousand United States dollars from them meaning he Bility and Alain Werner to get the  Memorandum of Understanding from the  Ministry of Justice in Liberia to allow the Finnish Police to conduct the investigation in Liberia against UN Protected Witness Gbril Massaquoi.

A copy of the MOU obtained by IPNEWS pictured the alleged signatures of both Sayma Cyrinus Cephus and Thomas Elgren, Finland Police Chief.

“Hassan Bility also asked me to participate in the Gbril Massaquoi trials as a prosecution witness, I refused; and while all of this was going on, Hassan Bility was involved with the recruitment of false prosecutor witnesses to testify against Gbril Massaquoi during the planned trial.

The nine counts purported memorandum of understanding seen by IPNEWS is not written on the official letterhead of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Liberia, but a flying A-4 sheet dated December 13, 2019, yet both parties allegedly signed upon it in the city of Monrovia. The title of the purported memorandum of Understand states: “Principles of mutual understanding and cooperation between the Liberian and Finnish Judicial authorities”,

Detail of the Nine counts seen below:

International investigators’ told  IPNEWS that they planted Witness and investigator  Darius Tweh on former ULIMO Child Soldiers Recruiter Hassan Seku Bility now Director of the global Justice Research Project and former Youth Wing Co-Chairman of the  All-Liberia Coalition Party (ALCOP) which was founded and led by Mr. Alhaji G.V. Kromah, then the leader   ULIMO.

“Hassan Bility and his International NGO’s Partner Civitas Maxima of Switzerland, Center for Justice and Accountability (CJA) California USA, are fake Human Right Group that are been involved with fraudulent Human Rights / War crimes Advocacy at the expense of Liberia Victims making millions of the United Dollars and Euros,”

“Bility and  I were involved with multiple cases recruiting falsely coached witnesses from Athia shops, Parker Paint, including Guinean nationals, At the Kunti Kamara trial in Paris Alain Werner lied under Oath that CM, GJRP, CJA are not involved with recruiting, Coaching,  paying witnesses in making a false statement to Investigators/war crime trials  I say  CM, GJPR and CJA are heavy with fraudulent witness coaching into cases.  And  Tweh Was  always informing our partners in Washington DC in all of the cases we worked on every step along the way.” A senior international investigator based in Dakar, Senegal to IPNEWS.

IPNEWS understands that both Alain Werner and Hassan Seku Bility’s relationship started when Werner worked within the office of the prosecutor as one of those lawyers for the Special Court for Sierra Leone at the trial of former Liberian President Mr. Charles Taylor.

It is further alleged that Hassan Seku Bility a witness at the time that lied under oath to the SCSL and the United States Govt that he was never a member of ULIMO & ALCOP, gave Werner the confidence to trust Bility and managed to steal the list of those United Nations Protected witnesses sealed list at the end of   Mr. Taylor trial in 2012, from the prosecutor’s office.

“Thereafter, Bility and Alain Werner allegedly established two NGO’s Civitas Maxima with Werner as Director with head office in Switzerland and Global Justice Research Project (GJRP), Monrovia, Liberia with Bility as Director, and began crafting lies for money making  at the expense of Liberian war victims  using the witnesses list from the SCSL and taking information from the TRC without proper understanding , these two NGO’s managed to annex one other group called Center for Justice and Accountability  that is  California, including other people  who are involved with these scheme to specific I will not say the name of specific  Liberian lady   that is deeply involved with these three NGO’s not contaminate on the going collaborative investigation with local investigator’s and lawyers , this very lady that am talking about  orchestrated  lies against one Liberian musician S. Michael Davies AKA Sundaygar Dearboy in Garduah Town Number #3 District Grand Bassa County  that he Sundaygar committed atrocities in the Liberia Conflict through an underage Boy she recruited  and the little   (Boy) made the false statement against   Sundaygar  that he Sundaygar  committed atrocities in that locality doing the Liberian  conflict, team of investigators get copies  the audio including other documentation evidence in theirs  possessions of investigative team.”

“Tweh himself was recruited, coached, paid and  put on a flight to Accra  Ghana in Febuary of 2020 made false coached statement to the British Metropolitan Police in Osu to one Gary Titley  along with his war crime team  against Mrs. Ages Reeves Taylor my statement can be subpoena , Just to list few  of  the many   cases  Bility and I were involved with and the rest will be told later  Agnes Reeves Taylor , United Nations Protected witness Gbril Massaquoi,  Colonel (retired) Armed Forces of Liberia Moses Thomas , Brigadier General (retired) Armed Forces of Liberia  Moses Wright, Alieu Koshia,  Belgian American National  Mitchel Desadeleer. Martina Johnson, Varfley Dolleh , Martina Johnson, Laye Seku Kamara, Ansu Kromah  and there is more information that will be provided into the cases. These three NGO’s GJRP/CM/CJA are involved with a well-crafted international syndicate for money making scheme under the disguised as Human Rights Groups.  I will give summary of each case how they started (2) In the Agnes Reeve Taylor Case false coached paid witness as Alieu Varfley Kanneth who was in Britain on a spousal visa was made coached to labout on Agnes Reeves Taylor after his false statement Bility and where the affidavit was written for him and he got asylum in the Britain Mohammed Kromah who travel to Switzerland on the conference was coached and he made a false statement in the Kosiah Case and Agnes Reeves Taylor case.  Both Werner and Bility wrote an affidavit and as a result Kromah got asylum in Switzerland.” Another International Investigator narrates to IPNEWS.

Bility alongside Werner was accused of producing false coached paid witness Morris Jabateh, who made false statements to the British authorities that Agnes Reeves Taylor shot Margibi County Superintendent (Supt.) Amos Bohn killed him instantly, including the killing of Doctors, Nurses at Du-side Hospital Division #10 in Firestone.  Unbeknownst to the British Authorities, Supt. Bohn was physically residing in Britain.  Bility along with the Center for Justice and Accountability (CJA), San Francisco, California USA, Alain Werner Civitas Maxima, Geneva, Switzerland has been involved with multiple  fraudulent Liberian Birth Certificates / Passports dealing with  war cases crimes  through the former Protocol at the National Legislature  Nyumah Saifa using the express services of the legislature  to get  Liberia Birth Certificates and  Passport from the Ministries of Health and of Foreign Affairs rocket for Liberia  and none Liberian Citizens, in 2021  they were caught with 20 false coached recruited witnesses against United Nations protected Witness Gbril Massaquoi while trying to get a passport.

In the Case of Colonel (retired) Armed Forces of Liberia Moses Thomas, CJA, M, and GJRP are the NGO’s that accused Colonel Thomas with mixed accusation they said the following he was at the Church providing instruction for the Lutheran Church massacred  etc,  I was with Bility   together when he Bility in the Paynesville  Parker Paint, Coca cola Factory area where he recruited   a coached paid person who said that he is an  survival of the July 1990 St. Peter Lutheran Church Massacred, most interestedly Cllr. Jerome J. Verdier Sr formerly of the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission, and Former Chairman of the TRC of Liberia was head of the St. Peter Lutheran Church Board and participated in the Lutheran owned investigations team regarding the July 1990 massacre, matter of fact these are the available information.

Dr. Amos Sawyer former Interim President of Liberia / IGNU who presided over the National Security Forces, including other people on Colonel Thomas behalf publicly stated that Wright was never involved with any form of Human Rights Violation(s) during in the Liberian conflict.  Dr. Sawyer was alive when Colonel Thomas provided this information to a Liberian Journalist, known as DJ Rogers, who has seen some of the  supportive documents including a Letter from the former Bishop of the Lutheran Church of Liberia.

Also, the Joseph Diggs family also advised that Colonel Thomas was never part of the Lutheran Church massacre.  Bishop Son Eddie Diggs is currently in New Jersey USA and is one of Colonel Moses witnesses.

One time Bility told me some investigator and Lawyers were coming from California to Liberia to investigate Colonel Thomas about the Lutheran Church massacred that they were coming with Royal Morocco Airline  before the arrival of the California team  Bility wanted me to make false statement against Col. Thomas but I refused,  immediate  Contact were in Washington DC and one of  my sources got a flight for Liberia  prior to the California team arrival in Liberia.

Our sources managed to meet with the California team while  one of our Investigator  was  on Mechlin Street waiting looking  straight at Bility’s  office making sure that my source was  secured  but  the  California team they didn’t know that we were  investigating they along with Bility fraudulent scheme after their meeting our source  on that rainy day We  documented all of our evidence and  our source  left Liberia for the United States., But  Bility  had other coached paid witnesses available that made false statement against  Colonel Thomas while the California team was in the country  for the record all of Colonel Thomas defense evidence is with the US Congress and with Investigators in Washington DC.

In 2019 Bility told Tweh that Investigators were coming to Liberia from the United States to investigate General (retired) AFL Moses Wright on the same Peter’s Lutheran Church and He Bility wanted Tweh to participate as a witness against General Wright.  and I refused.   upon the arrival U.S Investigators in Liberia at Mamba Point Hotel, He Bility told Tweh again the people are here and Tweh said to Bility no am not making no statement, our local sources contacted someone, who was visiting Liberia from Massachusetts United States with the same information that Hassan Bility and his partners brought US investigators to Liberia to investigate General Moses Wright with false witnesses

First all Bri / Gen. Wright was never Commanding General of  the AFL under the NDPL, INA, and the PRC Government  by President, Head of State  Samuel Doe , Below are the names   list of Commanding Generals under  Doe, Sawyer and  Kpomakpor

Brig/ Gen Thomas G. Quiwonkpa People’s Redemption Council Govt

Brig/ Gen Morris T, Zaza People’s Redemption Council / Interim National Assembly Govt

Brig/ Gen Rudolph F. Kolako Interim National Assembly / National Democratic Party of Liberia Govt’s

Brig/ Gen Gayflor Y. Johnson National Democratic Party of Liberia

Brig/ Gen Afred Y. Menyeah National Democratic Party of Liberia

Brig/ Gen Hezekiel Bowen National Democratic Party of Liberia

Brig/ Gen Philip B. Kamah Interim Government of National Unity

Brig/ Gen Moses Wright Interim Government of National Unity / Liberia National Transitional Government

CM, CJA, GJRP The below cases of  business-as-usual fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine , lies, going into the TRC stealing information for money making not understanding  critical understand between narrative and recommendations for prosecution , and going outside of the TRC looking for case cases planting evidence on people as Liberian war actors.  The cases involving Alieu Kosiah, Belgian/US American National Michel Desaedeleer, Martina Johnson, and Varfley Dolleh.

These three NGO’s along with their operatives are involved with lies to investigators and at war crime trials in western capitals for money making purposes.  The first time  Kunti Kamara was arrested, Bility contacted one of my  sources advised me that he was contacted by Bility seeking his assistance.  Bility was completely in the dark about our network investigation on him and his NGO’s partners until Witness Tweh got  compromised by Finnish Police Officer Thomas Elgren after being interviewed about the case involving UN back Special Court for Sierra Leone Protected witness Gbril Massaquoi.  Elgren, Bility and Werner were all engaged in this fraud together.

(Our team will provide the dossier on how   Bility along with his international partners wanted   Varfley Dolleh  to be part of theirs fraudulent recruitment of  false coaching witnesses scheme  ,  How both  Laye Sekou Kamara aka K1 and , Ansu Kromah were some of those child Soldiers Bility recruited into ULIMO as combatant into the Liberia conflict  By Hassan Bility.

Weare calling on the Liberia National Bar Association the Press Union of Liberia, Liberia Council of Churches, Women groups Catholic Justice and Peace Commission, The Catholic Bishop Conference of Liberia, Independent National Commission on Human Rights, Foundation for International Dignity , to contact former TRC Commissioners Massa Washington and John Stewart to stay away from CM, GJRP, CM in all forms they are on video in Paris in the Kunti Kamara Trial including all other TRC elements because these mentioned NGO’s are operating fraudulent money making scheme at the expense of the Liberian war victims, We support the full implementation of the TRC recommendation  and the United State Congressional Resolution HR1055,am not protecting any particular person or tribe into this process  but we want a clean process of judgment.


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