In Controversial Press Union Elections: Incumbent VP Daniel Nyankonah Defeats Julius Kanubah ‘Bigly’; Obtains 333 Votes as Oppose to Rival’s 15 Choices


In Controversial Press Union Elections: Incumbent VP Daniel Nyankonah Defeats Julius Kanubah ‘Bigly’; Obtains 333 Votes as Oppose to Rival’s 15 Choices

IPNEWS: In the controversial Press Union of Liberia’s (PUL) elections for a new corps of leaders, Mr. Daniel Nyankonah Jr. somewhat “bigly” defeated Mr. Julius K. Kanubah by a very wide margin — 333 votes to 15. The same for the Vice-Presidential race, too. Julius’ Vice-Presidential candidate, Ms. Beatrice T. Sieh, pursued 21, while Daniel’s running mate, Ms. Bettie Johnson-Mbayo, bagged 311 votes.

These are the official results from the elections’ presiding officer, Att’y AdeWede Kekulah. For the presidential contest, Messrs. James Yekeson Forkpa and Jeremiah Mulbah served as “observers” of both candidates. For the vice-presidential race, Abraham A. B. Boimah and Salomie Weah, also performed similar job observing the process, too.

Elections Controversies

In recent memory of the Union, the Gbarnga, Bong County PUL Congress, including the elections, is inarguably to date, the most controversial of all others because of all the hullabaloos, innuendos, verbal and written insults, that accompanied the processes leading to the election itself, which happened unprecedentedly very late evening.

Voting was only allowed to go ahead after another controversial legal tussle in which a Writ of Injunction that was placed on the processes and some individuals on Friday, November 18, 2022, was “vacated” on Saturday, November 19, by the order of the Bong County 9th Judicial Circuit Court Judge J. Boima Konto.

Judge J. Boima Kontoe; The judge that issued both the writ of Injunction and to vacate the same

The court’s order under the signature of its clerk, Mr. Daniel Pornakollie reads: “By order of his honor J. Boima Kontoe, Resident Circuit Judge, you are hereby commanded to inform petitioners that the Writ of Injunction issued on November 18, 2022 against the administration of the Press Union of Liberia and the election commissioners of said Union headed by Charles B. Coffey, Jr., Atty Ade Wede Kekuleh, Fabine Kwiah, Eddie Harmon, Cllr. Bobby Livingstone, Atty Al-Varney Rogers, Musa M.B. Kanneh, Daniel Nyankonah, Caroline Myers Zoduah, Henry Page, all of the city of Monrovia, is hereby ordered revoked and vacated with immediated effect.”

This legal proceeding has been criticized by some experts in the legal profession. “By law, no circuit court in Liberia, opens for or operates such normal business on Saturday and Sunday. That was a travesty of justice for the judge to have issued an order to vacate the injunction, which I am told, was not heard in open court by the legal teams of both parties,” a Bong-based lawyer told the Independent Probe newspaper via telephone. This lawyer, who asked not to be named, stated that only magisterial courts can open and operate for few hours of the day on Saturday.

Outgoing PUL President supporting incumbent Vice President, Daniel Nyankonah, Jr

However, a Monrovia-based legal expert disagreed with his colleague. “Circuit courts do open and operate on Saturday for such remedial businesses as was the case of the Press Union’s injunction. However, they don’t perform most of the basic court proceedings like other days of court.”

If the first assertion is the reality, it is probably based on this that the defeated team — Julius K. Kanubah and Beatrice T. Sieh — has vowed to do all to overturn the results, legally.

Call for Boycott

Before voting was allowed, the campaign management team of Team JKK as Kanubah’s team’s is also referred to, had urged all of their supporters to boycott the processes by not going to Gbarnga or attending. Whether all of them adhered to this mandate is not quite clear. However, on Thursday, November 17, 2022, the opening day of the PUL Congress, the hall was evidently emptied, thereby making some of Kanubah’s supporters to celebrate in their WhatsApp campaign chatroom.

PUL Lone challenger, Julius K. Kanubah, calls for boycott ahead of vote count in Gbarnga, Bong county

“We are calling on all of our supporters to stay clear of the Press union of Liberia electoral process till you can hear from us. A message from Team Julius Kanubah

PUL Election 2022!!!!

Signed: Chairman Raymond Kolubah Zarbay.”

“Breaking news: Operation chakla PUL congress as team Kanubah and supporters boycott the process. This team da bomb.”

“Honestly, I’m very happy. Indeed we can have listening ears to our leaders. They asked us not to attend opening of Congress today and none of us attended. Even the guys in Gbarnga didn’t attend.”

“All JKK Supporters and sympathizers continue to remain you are until otherwise ordered! Do not be part of an event that will embarrass distinguished guests and a high profile Diplomat!”

“Let me take this time to say thanks to all of us who stayed away from the so called Congress today. This shows that we are together in oneness.”

A happy Daniel Nyankonah, Jr. may now ascend to the presidency of the Press Union of Liberia, following a very controversial process

Did Mayor Koijee Sinisterly Get Involved?

Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Tamba Koijee is being accused by the Team Julius K. Kanubah Camp of influencing the election against them

Days before the casting of ballots, JKK supporters had alleged the serious sinister involvement of the Mayor of the City of Monrovia, Mr. Jefferson Tamba Koijee.

All of their allegations are yet to be substantiated or proven by the IPNEWS or other legal entity.

Among many allegations, Kanubah’s supporters, who are journalists, too, had stated that the Mayor had given Nyankonah’s team US$10,000. They accused him of mounting pressure on Judge Kontoe to work in favor of the PUL to remove the injunction.

“Hahahaha da real MCC elections oh Koijee rented bus for Daniel, Make his employees to endorse Daniel and now send MCC lawyer Samuel Pearson to represent PUL interest in a case that is scheduled for Tuesday.”

Cllr. Samuel S. Pearson


Indeed, Cllr. Samuel S. Pearson’s expertise was sought after by PUL to help them vacate the injunction that had been placed the day before.

Asked how the process went for the injunction to be lifted, Pearson said, “It was a fine process; I respect the PUL because they are operating in strict compliance with the law. Because when the injunction was filed, our legal services were hired by the other side. We thought that the posture they had maintained by maintaining the peace to ensure that the law takes its course, I think it’s commendable. So, as lawyers what we had to do was to make sure to file an alternative motion to ensure the vacation of the injunction that had been placed on the conduct of the PUL elections. That’s what we have done. They Judge has issued an order for the PUL’s electoral structure to proceed with the elections.”

Cllr. Pearson disclosed that it took him a little long to get the injunction vacated because, “You know to vacate an injunction isn’t a small thing. Because to file a motion to vacate an injunction it means that you have to file it with an indemnity bond. To file an indemnity bond, you have to go to an insurance company to ensure that they execute that bond. So, as to ensure to indemnify the other party so that in case of losses to the other party. Can you imagine, today is Saturday. We had to go Monrovia. And our legal services were being under an impromptus situation. We had to respond in a very robust way.”

Pearson boosted that because of this effectiveness, the PUL got the kind of result that they had wanted. According to him, all the processes required to satisfy the lifting of an injunction were met.

Calls for ‘Radical Approaches’ to Stop Voting

The Bong County 9th Judicial Circuit Court Order that vacated the Writ of Injunction

As some supporters of Team JKK saw that the injunction had been lifted and that the voting process had started, apparently feeling that there was no way out, they allegedly calling for “radical approaches” to delegitimize the process. There are reports that they had opted to seek the help of zogos to go and disrupt the entire voting process.

But those plans couldn’t materialize as there were “cool heads” who kept reminding their colleagues that first and foremost they are journalists and should nothing to harm their colleagues

“I beg for God sake. Lots of good names are attached to this group. Let’s not allowed zogos to get into it. People might die tonight and Kanubah’s camp will be held responsible.”

“There should be no retaliation. Let’s be calm. Zogoes no way. We can’t harm our brothers and Sisters. The law is our recourse. We are journalists, pls remember that. Pls guys. We are all hurt. But in the mist of this let’s remain calm.”

“Good morning. I accept our leaders’ call to remain calm. I’m calm but I’m not hopeful of any victory given our weak judicial system and external force (s). The illegal elections held last night show Daniel does not have the popular mandate of the PUL and it’s shame he’s been forced on the majority at the detriment of the future of the Union. Daniel will regret his actions, the actions of Charles Coffey and Congress Committee because if we do not get a redress he will be President for a very deep divided PUL. His reconciliation approach may not work because he has initially slammed the door on reconciliation and transparency. It’s a shame on democracy and accountability. I feel terribly sad for the PUL. Most especially our colleagues who were used as a shield.”

“Good morning Colleagues, we want to thank you all for the level of support and respect. We are glad for standing together in the process of effecting a change. It is clear that they still don’t have the mandate of the Union’s Membership. Let us continue to stay clear and remain together as we seek further legal intervention. Change does not come so easily. Thank you again!”

JKK’s Qualms Not Addressed Before Congress

Team Julius K. Kanubah and Beatrice Sieh had raised some issues with the Union’s voters roll and their qualms were never addressed to their satisfaction

Days before congress, Team JKK had flagged some pertinent issues it had with the PUL voter roll. They insist that the current Full Membership Register (Voters’ Roll) of the Union is characterized by immense irregularities and there is need for a comprehensive and thorough audit to ensure a credible election.

The insistence by the Campaign Team of Mr. Kanubah comes after an appearance on Wednesday, October 26, 2022, before the PUL 2022 Elections and Inauguration Committee along with its lawyer to justify and present evidence as it relates to the Union’s 2022 Membership Register (Voters’ Roll).

Attorney Alphonso Woiwor of the Supuwood and Associates Law Offices had told journalists on the grounds of the Press Union of Liberia that the PUL Elections and Inauguration Committee is treading a dangerous path if it chooses to go to elections with an enormously questionable Membership Register (Voters’ Roll).

The Julius Kanubah National Campaign Management Team, quoting Attorney Woiwor, noted that both the PUL Membership Committee Chairperson, Ms. Fabine Kwiah, and Co-chair Mr. Eddie Harmon during the hearing openly admitted to series of irregularities. This has claimed was denied by committee members.

Their pieces of evidence include names of over 800 new members created between 2020 and 2022. Other pieces of evidence presented at that Wednesday hearing included interns, technicians and sales and business personnel of several media institutions across Liberia, who according to them, were illegally and fraudulently granted Full Membership Status in total disregard to the PUL Constitution.

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