Liberian Journalists Attend ‘Debunking Fake News’ and ‘Fact-Checking’ Training


Liberian Journalists Attend ‘Debunking Fake News’ and ‘Fact-Checking’ Training

IPNEWS: In order to tackle fake news and fact-check in their respective newsrooms, a group, the FactSpace West Africa in collaboration with GhanaFact and the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, held a one-day workshop for 25 Liberian journalists, comprising Editors and Sub-editors on fact-checking and debunking fake news as Newsrooms gatekeepers in their day-to-day reporting.

In his opening remarks, the President of the Press Union of Liberia, Charles B. Coffey, Jr., praised the organization based in Ghana for coming to Liberia to conduct such workshop which is important to the Liberian journalism community in debunking fake news and fact-checking.

He urged the participants to utilize the training conducted by the facilitators who are clothed with the responsibilities of tutoring journalists on how to avoid publishing fake news, and how to debunk said news through fact-checking in their reportorial duties before going public.

On his part, an official from the Communications Department of the National Elections Commission (NEC), Prince Dunbar used the occasion to encourage participants to utilize what was taught by the facilitators on how in debunking fake news that have flooded the Liberian media community. He emphasized fact-checking was also cardinal in the fight to weed out fake news.

Explaining the importance of fact-checking and debunking fake news, the two lead facilitators, Rabiu Alhassan, Director of FactSpace West Africa, and Eric Mugendi, Programme Manager for Africa, Meedon lectured the participants on the importance of the daylong workshop.

Mr. Enock Nyariki – Programme Officer, International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) lectured on IFCN Code of Principles and Fact-Checking Ethics, while Peter Cunliffe-Jones, founder Africa Check facilitated on the ten ideas of fact-checking claims made by politicians.

During the workshop, participants assessed the impact of fake news in Liberian society both in the health and political sector, and the use of basic digital tools for fact-checking.

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