Towards Zero Tolerance against SGBV: medica Liberia Holds 5-Day STA Training


Towards Zero Tolerance against SGBV: medica Liberia Holds 5-Day STA Training

IPNEWS: In an effort to ensure zero tolerance against sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), medica Liberia (mL) in collaboration with modiale (Germany) is conducting a five-day Stress Trauma Sensitive Approach (STA) training.

The training, which is being held in Marshall, Margibi County, is being conducted under the project titled: “Concerted Action for Zero Tolerance against S/GBV in the Mano River Region,” with funding from the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation of Germany (BMZ).

It is also being attended by representatives from Rising Youth Mentorship Initiative (RYMI), Aiding Abused Women and Girls Association (ADWANGA), Liberia National Police Training Academy (NPTA) and the Montserrado County Health Team.

mL is a feminist organization committed to transforming society and supporting women and girls affected by all forms of violence through direct services, capacity development, advocacy and advancement of women’s rights. On the other RYMI is an organization works to increase young women’s and girl’s access to information on sexual reproductive health rights, to educational opportunities and the acquisition of livelihood and life skills, while ADWANGA seeks to transform the negative factors impeding the development and full participation of women and girls in socio-economic as well as political activities. It provides services and support, financial and in kind, to disadvantaged and traumatized girls and women in Liberia, predominantly in Montserrado and Nimba Counties.

Speaking at the opening of the training forum via zoom, Madam Marilena Junghans, Trauma Advisor of medica modiale-Germany, explained that the training is intended to ensure that participants are stabilized through self-care activities.

She pointed out the forum will provide information that would make participants knowledgeable about the importance of self-care, while they are aware about gender behavior.

“We are holding this training so that participants are able to differentiate between sex and gender. By this, participants are aware about different forms of sexual and gender-based violence,” Marilena told the gathering.

She disclosed that the ongoing training is second of four trainings within the BMZ regional program, adding that the first was held for directors and project managers in April of this year.

Madam Florida Clarke, the Gender-based Violence Psychological Trainer at mL, said the training aims to look at self-reflection and self-care, gender awareness and awareness on SGBV.

“Through these five days, we will be looking at wide range of issues regarding gender-based violence. We will look at gender awareness and awareness on gender-based violence. We will also look at self-care and then evaluation,” she stated.

The mL psychological trainer stressed the need for justice to be given to survivors of rape and all other forms of gender-based and sexual violence.

And in a bid to assure this, Madam Clarke wants proper system set up at the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Welfare so that survivors will have justice across the country.

The five-day forum is also being facilitated by Madam Korto M. Mulbah, a member of the mL training pool and mL’s master trainer, Madam Elizabeth Greene.

For Madam Mulbah, there must be opportunities for women’s empowerment so that everyone has skill to make livelihood.

She indicated that when this is done, women will not always be subjective to men or taken advantage of by men.

Meanwhile, several participants at the training have made some recommendations that are geared to protect the status of women in society, especially as it relates to their relationship status.

“We need laws that will protect women in relationship so that relationship becomes win-win situation. The Legislature must make laws that will protect women and girls against SGBV,” said Madam Franzetta Finda Nyanford, Assistant Commissioner of Police for Administration at the National Police Training Academy (NPTA).

Madam Kou Amelia Dahn, Program Coordinator at Rising Youth Mentorship Initiative (RYMI), support must be given to survivors of SGBV, especially survivors of rape.

According to Kou, survivors must be supported so that they can feel like humans in society again.

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