Gov’t Denounces any Action that Threatens Violence, Strong Diplomatic Ties with United States


Gov’t Denounces any Action that Threatens Violence, Strong Diplomatic Ties with United States

IPNEWS: The Government of Liberia strongly denounces any action that will threaten violence or hurt the strong diplomatic and historic ties that exist between Liberia and the United States of America, and herewith distances itself from all such comments and intended actions, a Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs, and Tourism press statement signed by Minister Ledgerhood Rennie read.

The Government’s statement stems from an online story published by Smart News, which reports that some Liberians have threatened to stage a protest action targeted specifically at U.S. Ambassador Michael McCarthy.

“According to the objectionable story, callers on a radio program voiced sentiments that were deemed inciteful and insolent against the U.S. diplomat. The Liberian government strongly denounces any action that will threaten violence or hurt the strong diplomatic and historic ties that exist between both nations, and herewith distances itself from all such comments and intended actions.

While the Weah-led administration is an ardent promoter of free speech and freedom of the press, for which it has pushed through legislations to guarantee this fundamental right, there are clear safeguards intended to protect the public’s interest,” the release stated.

The government has therefore made it categorically clear that it will not condone any such protest action and insolent comments, regardless of who the organizers are, as its ultimate intention is to incite certain segments of the population for parochial reasons.

The government noted Liberia has always welcomed alternative views on the state of governance of the country, including those from its international and diplomatic partners which have helped in improving the country’s democratic credentials. “Therefore, the government sees any such protest or insolent comments against the U.S. diplomat as inimical to the national and international interest of Liberia.”

Concluding, the government urges the media to help champion an all-inclusive approach towards the promotion of the concept of global governance, instead of serving as a conduit to rile up the public against well-intentioned international and diplomatic counsel about the governance issues of the country.

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