“Our Salaries’ Disbursement Is Very Irregular & Painful” – Judge Dixon Alarms

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“Our Salaries’ Disbursement Is Very Irregular & Painful” – Judge Dixon Alarms

By: Jacqueline L Dennis

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The resident Circuit Judge of Criminal Court ‘C’ Blamo Dixon, on Monday November 14, 2022, alarmed that the disbursement of their salaries is very irregular and painful.

“We are working  for (60 ) days  to get one month salary, the one month salary cannot be paid in full, we can receive 20%  thereof in forty-five (45) days and the balance 80%  in sixty (60) days. The financial Autonomy Act of the Judiciary branch of government is being grossly violated by the Minister of Finance and Development Planning” Judge Dixon averred.

Judge Dixon made the statement when he delivered the Judge’s Charge at the formal opening of the first Judicial Circuit Criminal Court “A” “B” “C” “D” for Montserrado County for the November Term of Court, emphasizing that the situation has gone from bad to worse and as well as ridiculous to the extent that their motivation has dwindled.

“Notwithstanding, we hope that you will restore our high motivation on the job for us to dispense transparent justice without fear or favor.” He added.

According to him, their support staff always complained to them about the breaking down of the buses that commute their support staff to and fro and sometimes for lack of fuel.

He over emphasized that some of their staff graduated from the various Universities in Liberia with Bachelor’s degrees in various disciplines, while others went abroad for training and are back with their Masters degrees also in various disciplines, are still earning US$150 and LD$ 4,000.00 respectively.

Judge Dixon averred they are not afraid of the bombshells of the press or anyone else, because they are capable to defend their decision, adding that what they have to do is to build the capacity of their Public Affairs Department to be more proactive in order to give clarity on the trending issue.

“Moreover we are on our knees praying harder for one of our most competent Magistrates, male or female, to be elevated in the future to the honorable Supreme Court as an Associate Justice, for three former members of the National Association of Trial Judges of Liberia to constitute the Quorum on the bench, in order to curtail the suspension of Magistrates and Judges with due process of Law and contrary to Judicial Canon Forty.”

He further stated “it behooves us to be mindful as we enter A. D. 2023 that the stability or instability of our Country lies in the quality of the judgement, verdicts, decrees, orders and decisions we will render in our various Courts from  November 14,  2022 to November 14, 2023.”

He lamented “Madam Chief Justice you are from within the Supreme Court bench and you are aware of the issues, problems and challenges confronting the employees of the judiciary branch of government of Liberia. Our expectations are not high, because we are convinced that you will resolve some of the challenges in the future.”

In response to Judges Dixon’s Charge Chief Justice Sie-A-Nyene G. Yuoh said, they have heard the concerns of the National Association of Trial Judges of Liberia as well as staff of the Judiciary branch of government.

Chief Justice Yuoh noted during their last meeting, the Judges pointed out lot of things and as leaders they are still aware of them. Notwithstanding said the Judges are under mandatory obligation to continue with the dispensation of Justice without fear or favor.

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