CPP Cummings Rallies District 4 & 6 Supporters for 2023 at Paynesville Town Hall Assembly


CPP Cummings Rallies District 4 & 6 Supporters for 2023 at Paynesville Town Hall Assembly

–Gets More Endorsements in Montserrado

By Taisiah K. Merfee

The political leader and standard bearer of the main opposition Collaboration Political Parties (CPP) Mr. Alexander Benedict Cummings, on Sunday, November 13, 2022 spoke to cross section of Montserrado County residents at the Paynesville City Hall during a Town Hall meeting with citizens and residents from Electoral District 4 and 6 Montserrado County respectively.

Mr. Cummings told CPP partisans, supporters and sympathizers that he understands the problems of Liberian people that is why he wants to be President of the Republic of Liberia and the only people who can make that dream a reality are the Liberian People.

“I have been blessed to live and work out of Liberia in other countries and I have managed Billions of Dollars and I have not stolen a dime. I keep saying that Liberians need better results as we cannot keep doing the same things and expect different results,” the CPP political leader and standard bearer told the Coalition gathering.

Commenting further, Mr. Cummings disclosed his intention for the Liberian presidency is not to seek wealth from the Liberian people but rather to give back to society.

“I understand how to grow the Liberian economy and I know how to create Jobs that is why I want to be President and that is what makes me different from others Politicians , we need to grow more food for our people and I am the best person to do that for our People”.

“I have experienced the hardship of this country and will do my best when elected as the next President of Liberia.”

He said in addition to Managerial skills, he is a Managerial expert and that what makes him the best among the rest of the politicians in Liberia.

The CPP Boss averred many politicians have lied to the people of Liberia over the years but as for him, he will not do that, but stressed he will work to introduce a National Youth Service that will help the country and its people.

Addressing the issues of the Economy, “we will make sure we look after our Business Community by giving them loans so they can grow their businesses and we will also try to make sure that Liberian produce are exported as that will help to grow the Economy of Liberia.”

He also told Citizens that when elected as the Next President of Liberia comes 2023, he will make sure that the predecessor government is audited for proper governance purpose and progress.

On the issue of Education most especially teachers in Public and Private schools, the CPP political leader said when elected, his Administration will make sure to invest in teachers and every Liberian who works for the government as well as in the private sector.

Mr. Cummings noted in the past government of Liberia used to subsidize all private schools but nowadays they are longer during that, but assured he will make sure that private schools are subsidized to help reduce the too many challenges schools face.

Touching on the rule of law, the CPP standard bearer, Mr. Cummings added that on the issue of Corruption they will prosecute anyone who found culpable, adding “We will bring technology to track down people who see government jobs as a way of getting wealth.”

“There will be zero tolerance for impunity under my Administration as I can tell you for sure the rule of law will be high on my agenda.”

According to the CPP political leader and standard bearer “Security and the rule of law is the Foundation for any Nation, we will train and pay our security well and on the issue of Land we will make sure that the Liberia Land Authority (LLA) is funded to help them do their jobs well by doing that it will help put end to the illegal sale of lands in Liberia.”

“We have to change Liberia. The suffering we are going through is not a small thing so let us work together in making this dream come to reality”.

Earlier on Sunday morning at a Worship Service held at the Christ Embassy Church on Duport Road, Mr. Cummings acknowledged the critical role the Church as a conscience of society plays, adding it is time that the Church grows more leaders for tomorrow.

He expressed joy to worship with the Christ Embassy family and in behalf of Cummings Africa Foundation and his wife, the CPP political leader and standard bearer pledged L$100,000 to the Christ Embassy Vocational School.

Still in Electoral District #4 at the Duport Road, Layee Bility welcomed the CPP big man in the Montserrado County District. He said the people of District #4 expressed happiness to receive Mr. Cummings and his CPP team and that they partisans, supporters and sympathizers will do all they take to make him the next President of Liberia.

On his part, one of the Team Cummings Campaign mobilizers and supporters, George Wisner stated there is new beginning for the CPP as they are preparing for the forward march to 2023.

“There are some people who have volunteered to lead the Cummings’ campaign to become the next president of Liberia. The volunteers are over 750 from District number 4 and 6 respectively. We have been training some of the young people in this District for the life time journey comes 2023,” Mr. Wisner indicated.

During the District tour, hundreds of Residents came in their numbers to welcome the CPP political Leader and his team at the Duport Road Baptist sport pitch. “People will not be dying while the President going for World Cup and the people are struggling to make life,” one CPP supporters was heard saying to his colleague at the sports pitch.

Speaking at the Duport Road Baptist football field, Mr. Cummings stated the reason why “We want to change Liberia is to change your life, education, healthcare, roads connection women empowerment, good economy and justice for all.”  “I will be depending on you to give me these two Districts”.

During the District tour in District #6, six some young people from the National Patriotic Movement also endorsed the Presidential Bid of Mr. Cummings and Representative Aspirant Martian Saye Kollah for the upcoming election selected for next year.

The movement is working in six counties in Liberia and they also presented the key of the District to both Cummings and Kollah.

At the GSA Road Community, the CPP political leader and standard bearer said the young people represent the future of Liberia. “We want leadership that will feed Liberia, we want to change the story, Justice and Rule of law, Education will be high on our agenda we will not let you down.”

He also presented 20 pieces solar light to the community for the smooth operation of the Community.

At District Six Central Mosque, Mr. Cummings encouraged Muslims to pray for the nation as Liberians gear up for the 2023 presidential and legislative elections because Liberia needs real change.

At the Lamp Mission Academy International, the CPP standard bearer encouraged his supporters to be steadfast and work harder to ensure that real change comes to Liberia in 2023 with the CPP taking state power democratically.

At the Lamp Mission Academy International, a group named and styled Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) Royal Guard endorsed Mr. Cummings for the 2023 Presidential election.

In their endorsement state, the Chairman of the group, Ansu Bility said they cannot compromise their integrity, having given President George Weah six years to lead Liberia, he has failed them and made them shame.

“The CDC Royal Guard was not liability as we used our money in 2017 to make Senator George Weah President, and this is why we are here to present a little purse of 10,000 LRD to add up to all of the efforts being made to make the CPP ascend to state power in 2023. It is not a small thing to take Weah out of power but we will try all it takes to make you President,” the group chairman told Mr. Cummings and his CPP team that toured the District.

Concluding, Mr. Bility said “We will take care of our people and when Liberia gets better, everyone will benefit from the resources of our Country under a CPP government that will be headed by Mr. Alexander Benedict Cummings.”

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