“GOD SEES YOU” – Rev. Dr. Gina Stewart of USA Tells IPNEWS Staff, Liberians


“GOD SEES YOU” – Rev. Dr. Gina Stewart of USA Tells IPNEWS Staff, Liberians

IPNEWS: As part of activities marking the Third Anniversary of the Independent Probe Newspaper, the Staff of IPNEWS on Sunday, November 6, 2022, worshipped with the Providence Baptist Church in Monrovia.

During the Divine Worship Service, which was attended by hundreds of congregants, the visiting Rev. Dr. Gina Stewart of the United States of America, the first female President of the Lott Carey Baptist Convention, delivered the Sermon on the Theme: “God’s Sees You “. From the Text drawn from Genesis 16: 7-14.

Rev. Dr. Steward began by briefly narrating Haggai, an Egyptian woman who became a Maid in the home of Abraham and Sarah when it was completely observed that Sarah was barren and couldn’t bear a child.

L-R: CEO-Chester-A.-Smith-Publisher-Alaska-Moore-Johnson-Editor-in-chief-Siebo-Williams-other-Staff-at-the-Providence-Baptist-Church.

According to her, Haggai was brought into the home through the advice of Sarah to bear a child by Abraham. Rev. Dr. Stewart went on to provide the narrative about the affliction that Haggai suffered after she fled into the wilderness an Angel of the Lord appeared before her and instructed her to return to the house of Abraham and submit as God has seen her affliction and she’s going to have a son and ‘thou shall call him Ishmael’.

She encouraged the congregation that never let God out your life regardless of your present condition or whereover you might find yourself, whatsoever conditions you are, for ‘God sees you and he will deliver you’.

Rev. Dr. Stewart, who is also the first female President of the Lott Carey Baptist Missionary Convention admonished worshippers that God has not forgotten them in their condition, but listening to the direction of God, and allowing him to work in your life, can change the condition of any man.

Rev. Dr. Gina Stewart of USA

Lot Carey, Missionary President, stated that when God sees you, your problems are over. God sees and understands the problems of Liberia and at the appropriate time, God will intervene, Dr. Stewart told the cheering congregation.

The Sermon which was intermittently interrupted by cheers, standing ovations, and praises, was marked by a Christian spirited presence of the Lord through the Holy Spirit. She concluded with a powerful word of prayer for the church and the nation. Seykajipo Amegashie writes; 0880554136/0777594740

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