Youths Strengthened In Feminism, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights


Youths Strengthened In Feminism, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights

IPNEWS-Monrovia: Youths across Montserrado County have completed two training days in Feminism, Sexual Reproductive Health, and Rights (SRHR). The training was conducted by National Association on Traditional Practices affecting the Health of women and Children, Inc. (NATPAH) and ActionAid Liberia, with funding support from SIDA through the Embassy of Sweden in Liberia.

Speaking at their two days training session at the I-Campus in Monrovia during the week of October 18-19, NATPAH program Coordinator Mr. Adam S. Diablo Sr. said the training objective is to break the barriers of traditional practices and beliefs that have caused women to continue to grow in an inferior environment. He also noted that the training was meant to build the capacity of young people in what constitutes SRHR and the Feminism lens. He further asserted, the importance of this training as a preparation session for community dwellers to face social challenges and provide healthy and decisive solutions to creating Just and Equal Communities in their spaces.

SRHR sessions broke down the entire Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE). This comprised knowing and understanding the terminologies used. It also focused on Sexual Health Rights, which looked at the barriers to sexual health and rights, including obstacles to Reproductive Health and Rights. The discussions further concentrated on life skills for healthy sexual behaviors. Real-time examples were shared among participants to make the training more applicable where Participants were able to relate to situations that usually happen in the communities.

“We grew up knowing that talking about your periods to your parents was taboo and a highly secretive issue. My mother told me I would get pregnant if a boy touched me while seeing my period, because of this, I developed hatred towards boys, even my brothers at home”, the participants noted.

Female participants at the two-day training

The second day detailed breaking down the feminist lens. The entire day was facilitated by Madam Chue Goah Roberts  who explained the ten feminist principles as; Dismantling Bias, Zero tolerance, Self-awareness, Self-care and caring for others, Power sharing, Inclusiveness, Respectful feedback, Accountable collaboration, Responsible and transparent use of power, and Courage. Description of the feminist principles stimulated discussions that saw many young people telling their life stories; most women fell victim to the circumstances, while most men were witnessed to life stories given.

Adam Diablo noted that Feminism is not only Democratic but a Developmental lens that allows Women to compete with their male counterparts in building a peaceful and prosperous society. He said that being a feminist is not synonymous with acting like a female but providing them adequate opportunities to participate in every sector of society like their male counterparts. “We hope this training of trainers will empower facilitators to replicate such discussions in their communities and expand the knowledge to other communities in Montserrado County. We believe that the training is part of Life Skills and policies, and the knowledge gained would help societies understand laws and policies regarding SRHR. Our goal is to spread this message across the Country like wildfire”, NATPAH Program Coordinator Mr. Adam S. Diablo Sr. asserted.

Meanwhile, one of their participants, Madam Tenneh Y. Gaye from the Kpo River Girls Forum, alarmed that the traditional and religious beliefs and practices continue to hinder the fight against Feminism and SRHR in Liberia.

Some male participants at the two-day training

According to her, parents continue to subject their children to their interests in terms of who to marry and force them to join harmful traditional practices. “Our parents can say if we don’t marry the man they chose for us, they will disown us. They force us to attend Sande Bush School (Traditional Bush School) to learn what they want us to understand with no choice,” Madam Tenneh Y. Gaye shared her thoughts during the training.

Speaking on behalf of ActionAid Liberia during Sexual Harassment Exploitation and Abuse (SHEA) and Safeguarding session, Mr. Romeo Kaydea, program officer, said that AAL has embedded SHEA and Safeguarding policy in all their training. He further asserted that the approach has become an international document meant to prevent and protect vulnerable populations, mainly Women, Children, persons living with disabilities, and adults at risk.

“The policy has become an International working document that is compulsory to be adopted by all entities worldwide, including Liberia and its entities as a country. He further noted that all ActionAid Liberia staff, implementing partners, and their vendors are not allowed to have relationships with the beneficiaries.  Should this happen, he noted that the community members have the mandate to report to the following Numbers (0886407129, 0778728365). He broke down the acronym SHEA and invited the participants to give relevant examples of each violence”, Mr. Kaydea asserted.

He further noted that Sexual Harassment is in three forms: verbal, nonverbal, and Physical. Present members also indicated that Sexual Exploitation happens a lot in workplaces, schools, and public spaces like markets, and taxi ranks, which sometimes result in rape. He concluded by educating the men present that women are not property; instead, they are the men’s helpers.

ActionAid Liberia is one of the leading organizations in Liberia on women’s rights and gender equality with government and community recognition. AAL is known for its non-negotiable stance on women’s rights and the most excluded groups in Liberian society.

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