Frm. Pres. Ellen Sirleaf Vows Not To Campaign Any Presidential candidate in 2023 Elections


Frm. Pres. Ellen Sirleaf Vows Not To Campaign Any Presidential candidate in 2023 Elections

IPNEWS: Ahead of the 2023 General Elections, Liberia’s Former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has vowed not to campaign for any Candidate or Political Party.

According to her, she is more focused on International activities and as such, she cannot over burden herself.

She made the assertion Thursday when she appeared as guest on the Liberia broadcasting System.

The former Liberia head of state further revealed that she has gone beyond campaigning for candidates and political parties in Liberia, something she noted that her strength last in campaigning for international institutions.

She believes that Liberia is doing well democratically, adding that the political environment of the Country needs to be strengthened by all citizens, something she said is the only way to meet international standards.

Meanwhile, Commenting on the three sanctioned Government Officials by the US States Department, Former President Sirleaf called on the three officials to immediately solve their problems with the United States Government so as to avoid further embarrassment for the Country.

The former Liberia’s chief executive boosted that she has built a strong relationship with the United States Government and as such; the three sanctioned government officials need not to destroy said relationship.

At the same time,  Madam Sirleaf has urged Liberians to respect the office of the Country’s presidency, saying it is the office that stands for the Country and people globally.

By Benetta Bowah/Staff Writer


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