LDEA Destroyed 100M worth of Cocaine

Crime Watch

LDEA Destroyed 100M worth of Cocaine

IPNEWS: The Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency on Wednesday destroyed the confiscated drug bust of ta100Million United States dollars’ worth of Cocaine at the Barclay Training Center on the UN Drive.

The exercise was witnessed by LDEA Boss, Hon. Marcus Zehyoue, Hon. Frank Musa Dean, UNODC, LIS, EU, US Embassy, LNP amongst others.

Congratulations to the Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency for a job well done.

Justice Minister Cllr. Frank Musa Dean says Liberia is a no-go zone for drug dealers.

Minster Dean made the statement Wednesday at the Barclay Training Center when the Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency burned confiscated cocaine worth over 100M United State Dollars.

It can be recalled, recently LDEA and its Partners confiscated over 520kg of cocaine in the country that believe to be from drug cartels in Brazil.

Speaking at the destroying exercise the Director General of the LDEA it is normal practice whenever the institution collects huge quality of Substances, they normally burn them in the Public in other for the international community to see and know that the fight against Drugs is serious.

According to Director General Marcus D.Zehyoue they will not leave any stone unturned and that will ensure that those involved in the. importation of Drugs in Liberia

He said for the last time they were using the Disco Hill area to brunt the Drug, but today’s event is of high quality and as such, they need to do it at BTC Barrack in the presence of the Press and other international partners who helping to put an end to it.

The LDEA boss said they remained open to the Public on this issue whenever it occurs in society, and it is time that we all help to put an end

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