Andrew Weds Alexis

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Andrew Weds Alexis

IPNEWS: Saturday, October 1, 2022, has left an indelible imprint on the minds of invited guests and other well-wishers that witnessed the matrimonial ceremony of now Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ngolloe.

It first started at the historic Providence Baptist Church on Ashmun Street in Monrovia.

Rev. Dr. Samuel Reeves, the Senior Pastor of the Church, officiated the memorable event that attracted friends, family members, and the media.

In his homily, Rev. Reeves urged the couple to stick together as one. “The vow you have made today is an attestation of your unconditional love for each other and for better or for worst,” Rev. Dr. Reeves admonished the pair as their faces beamed with smiles amidst applause as they separately responded by saying loudly, “Yes, I do.”

From the Church, the bridal convoy proceeded to the Monrovia City Hall where the reception was held. In fact, the decoration in the hall in which the reception was held, was one of the best many of the guests have seen in recent years. It was a place to be due to its exceedingly comforting atmosphere interspersed with soft and romantic music that mesmerized the guests.

In brief remarks as the occasion dictated, the groom, Andrew Ngolloe, said he was the happiest man in the world. He recalled how and when he met his wife, beautiful Alexis, and the rough and smooth journey to the date of their holy matrimony.

“At the time my family wanted me to get married, I was not prepared, but today, is the God-designated time,” Ngolloe said amidst cheers. Writes David N. Targbe

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