Poro Society Releases Christian after Severe Pressure


Poro Society Releases Christian after Severe Pressure

IPNEWS-Sanniquellie, Nimba: Following intense pressure from the Sanniquellie Christian Fellowship, a member of the United Liberia Inland church who was abducted by the Poro Society recently has been released.

Mr. Aaron Bahn is also an Officer of the Liberia Immigration Service (LIS) and was abducted about 8 days ago since September 24, 2022 while on duty at the Welcome Gate in Sanniquellie City Nimba County by the Poro Master without detail explanation.

Two days after he was taken away, members of the Sanniquellie Christian Fellowship, including national leaders of the United Liberia Inland Church engaged the Nimba County Administration and leaders of the Poro Society in a closed door meeting, asking for his immediate release.

During the day long meeting, leaders of the Poro Society apologized for their actions and asked for the period of two weeks to release Aaron, a request the Christian Community seriously disagreed with.

Also during the closed door meeting leaders of the secret society promised to take care of the needs of Aaron’s family and pay all of the expenses he incurred in the tone of L$12,000 plus two bags of 25kg rice, but reportedly failed to live up to the promise.

Meanwhile, following their delay to release officer Bahn, the Christian Community Monday held a peaceful gathering at the county administration building in Sanniquellie, a process which ended in Sehkimpa a suburb of Sanniquellie where Aaron was thought to have been kept.

The group of Christians were holding placards carrying different inscriptions that quoted Bible verses and called for the release of their member.

Speaking to Voices from Nimba TV at a brief thanksgiving service held at the Inland church edifice after Bahn was released on Monday, the National Vice President of the United Liberia Inland Church lauded all Christians and individuals who stood by them during the struggle.

Rev. Noah D. Tour who described the release of Bahn as a victory for Christians around the country said the move by the Poro Society violates the 2018 resolution signed with the Christian Community, the Poro and the government in Saclepea, Nimba County.

Rev. Tour indicated that the resolution among other things stopped the forceful initiation of peaceful citizens, and called on all parties to respect each other.

It is said that Poro Society are to operate from 12am to 4am at night and to operate at about 45 miles away from the city.

The United Liberia Inland Church Vice President noted that the act carried out by the society was totally against the resolution, stressing that further action will be taken by them to stop further recurrence of such ugly act. By: Fredrick G Dao; 0770594947/0888147178; Voices from Nimba TV News

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