Alexander Cummings Announces 2023 Campaign Team


Alexander Cummings Announces 2023 Campaign Team

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The political leader of the Alternative National Congress Alexander B. Cummings has announced the named Alternative National Congress (ANC) 2023 campaign team.

Speaking at the announcement ceremony program at the CPP headquarters Tuesday, October 4, 2022 in Monrovia, Mr. Cummings said President George Weah has failed to speak to the Liberian people and deprived them of leadership for nearly six years, and it was time to defeat him at the polls in 2023.

Dr. Togar Gayewea McIntosh and   Amb. Lewis G. Brown – members Cummings’ 2023 Campaign Team

Cummings stated that the truth is that President Weah, does not care about the issue of the Rice shortage currently confronting the nation, and it was time for the CDC-led government to take the backdoor.

Former Grand Bassa Supt and former Gender and Children Protection Minister Julia Duncan Cassell – member of Cummings’ 2023 Campaign Team

“Today, we stand on that historic truth to name the first few of our Real Change Team. These Liberians reflect not just a rich pool of talents but also the rich diversity that is Liberia. Our hope is that Liberians everywhere will see themselves in this Team.

One of the Real Changes we seek is that we will no longer only represent some Liberians because in united Liberia we seek, no one must be left out or left behind. Liberia belongs to all Liberians. Our differences in religion, gender, tribe and political parties ought not to divide but unite us in building a better, prosperous, and just Liberia”, ANC Standard Bearer Alexander Cummings said today while naming his ‘Real Change Team’.

Mr. George Wisner and former Defense Minister Daniel Chea – members of Cummings’ 2023 Campaign Team

The CPP Boss said “We wish to use the opportunity of this occasion to also reassure all Liberians that we will work with everyone for real change beyond tribes, religion, gender, and political parties. Truly, Liberia deserves better. Liberians deserve better”

Those named on Cummings 2023 campaign Team include:1.Dr. Togar Gayewea McIntosh

2.Amb. Lewis Garseedah Brown

3.Mr. George Gyude Wisner

4.Hon. H. Dan Morias

5.Hon. Jonathan Boye Charles Sogbie

6.Madam Julia Duncan Cassell

7.Madam Mariama D. Sangare

8.Mr. Daniel Chea

9.Mr. Roland Siddiq Kamara

10.Atty. Lafayette Gould

11.Hon. Larry Nyanquoi

12.Hon. Yekeh Kolubah

13.Emmanuel Yartoe

14.Aloysius Toe

15.Martin Saye Kollah

16.Madam Nicky Jah

17.Mr. William Moyes

18.Ma Kula Morris

19.Mr. Othelo Krayee

20.Rev. David Benito

21.Mr. Peter Nuyan

22.Mr. Chernor Jalloh

23.Mr. David Bajibo

24.Madam Queenyah Thomas Saturday

25.Elder Rufus Saydee

For his part, former information Lewis G. Brown stated that the Country under the leadership of President George  Weah was returning to a failed state , and is time that all Liberians joined ranks in supporting the Presidential bid of Mr. Alexander Benedict Cummings for the presidency.

Ambassador Brown stated that the CDC-led government is no longer in charge of the leadership of this Country, which has given overwhelming approval to elect Mr. Cummings as the President of Liberia comes October 2023.

“There are rumors all over the Country that Mr. Cummings does not have any Government Knowledge and as such the Liberian people should not vote for him, but I can tell you here today that this is the person that is well placed and ready to lead the Country comes 2023.”

” Let me tell you all here today that we will sweep the entire political division of Liberia comes 2023 so let it be clear to all of those who are taking us for a joke “ Former Liberian Ambassador Lewis Brown said

Speaking further, Amb. Brown said the newly constituted campaign Team will make sure that the needy victory is given to the CPP for win. big time.

He emphasized that even though there will be challenges ahead but the CPP will withstand all of the storms that will come.

“Pro-government supporters always say Cummings came fifth place with 7% of the votes out of more than 15 presidential candidates despite him getting in the race 18 months to the 2017 elections, but this time around they are going to see the CPP win with 70% of the total votes come 2023.”

” We do not just go to win but to make a massive change under the Alexander Cummings administration, especially tackling the issue of the rule of law and human rights.” Former Information Minister Lewis Brown stated.

Liberia’s former Ambassador to the United Nations furthermore assured that as one of the members of the Cummings Campaign team will do all it takes to give Cummings Victory in 2023.

“Cummings is a good man. He is a good man who doesn’t take gossip from anyone, and this makes him a good leader, especially is the level of experience from the Coco Cola He will make a big change”.

“I can assure the Liberian people and the standard bearer of the CPP, Hon. Alexander Cummings that hope is alive, and the peace of Liberia will be protected no matter the challenges and temptation.” Ambassador Lewis Brown assured.

See full text below.

“My Fellow Liberians:

We meet today at a difficult time for our country. Scandals, criminal acts, poor judgments, and the lack of leadership are undermining our country’s international image and reputation, making it difficult to attract investors to our country.  Incompetence and the failure of leadership, beginning with President Weah, have resulted in a shortage in the supply of rice, our nation’s staple.

Warehouses are empty and rice cannot be found. Today, our market women are spending weeks, days, and nights sleeping in front of importers’ offices, hoping to buy food. Videos and pictures of our people jumping fences and fighting to get access to their most basic needs are heartbreaking and sad. Rice, our staple, has become unavailable and unaffordable.

As we say, “rice na wear coat suit”. This is leading to the sharp increase in the prices of substitutes such as cassava, eddoes, plantain, fufu, etc. thereby worsening the hardships on our people, all across the country. The lack of accountability around the rice subsidy allotted, disbursed and received is a regular occurrence under this government.

In the face of all of this, President Weah is partying with his Ministers as Liberians are scrambling to find food to eat. The President has failed to even speak to the Liberian people and provide leadership during this crisis. The truth is, the President does not care.

Long regarded as a major transshipment country for dangerous drugs and narcotics, the recent bust of US$100 Million worth of cocaine – thanks to the assistance of the United States Government – not only further confirms the growing problem of drug use and related crimes in the country, but also that our country is participating in the international supply chain of dangerous drugs to the world. To allow the use of our country for the transshipment of dangerous narcotics makes Liberia unsafe, and threatens the future of our children.

It is hard to imagine that elements of the administration with the authority to protect our country’s borders did not know, or have not been providing confidence in the form of security guarantees to the international drug dealers. Under President Weah, friendly governments have scandalously accused the administration of the sales and issuance of Liberian diplomatic passports to international drug dealers and terrorists. The truth also is that not knowing that our country has become a transshipment point for dangerous drugs is as dangerous as knowing, facilitating and providing security for the dealers.

All of these only further testify that President Weah is misleading our country, destroying our important relationships, worsening the living condition of the Liberian people, and exposing our country and citizens to danger. In 5 years, President Weah has shown all of us that he is incompetent, irresponsible, and his lack of leadership makes him a danger to our country’s peace and security. We must rescue our country from the incapable hands of President Weah in 2023.

To do that, we take an important step forward today. All across the rich diversities of our nation, a growing number of our fellow Liberians are embracing our message of real change. I am grateful to everyone who continue to believe that although it is difficult, real change is possible in our country.

History tells us that too often, change does not begin with a crowd. It begins with a committed few – a few that are like-minded and committed to make the required sacrifices by putting in the work to change the circumstances of their country. Too often, when a committed few enjoin their efforts, and are willing to put interests of country over interests of self or political party, change happens – the course of a nation gets reset, and people lives improve for the better.

Today, we stand on that historic truth to name the first few of our Real Change Team. These Liberians reflect not just a rich pool of talents but also the rich diversity that is Liberia’s. Our hope is that Liberians everywhere will see themselves in this Team. One of the Real Changes we seek is that we will no longer only represent some Liberians, because in the united Liberia we seek, no one must be left out or left behind. Liberia belongs to all Liberians. Our differences in religion, gender, tribe and political parties ought not to divide but unite us in building a better, prosperous and just Liberia.

We wish to use the opportunity of this occasion to also reassure all Liberians that we will work with everyone for real change beyond tribes, religion, gender and political parties. Truly, Liberia deserves better. Liberians deserve better.

Having said this, I am honored to name the initial Team Cummings 2023 to include:

  1. Dr. Togar Gayewea McIntosh
  2. Amb. Lewis Garseedah Brown
  3. Mr. George Gyude Wisner
  4. Hon. H. Dan Morias
  5. Hon. Jonathan Boye Charles Sogbie
  6. Madam Julia Duncan-Cassell
  7. Madam Mariama D. Sangare
  8. Mr. Daniel Chea
  9. Mr. Roland Siddiq Kamara
  10. Atty. Lafayette Gould
  11. Hon. Larry Nyanquoi
  12. Hon. Yekeh Kolubah
  13. Emmanuel Yartoe
  14. Aloysius Toe
  15. Martin Saye Kollah
  16. Madam Nicky Jah
  17. Mr. William Moyes
  18. Ma Kula Morris
  19. Mr. Othelo Krayee
  20. Rev. David Benito
  21. Mr. Peter Nuyan
  22. Mr. Chernor Jalloh
  23. Mr. David Bajibo
  24. Madam Queenyah Thomas Saturday
  25. Elder Rufus Saydee
  26. Ms. Robell Gbeintor
  27. Elder Jallah
  28. Madam Carmena Abdallah
  29. Ma Musu Sanoe
  30. Mr. Chris Dossen
  31. Rev. Josiah Kennedy
  32. Mr. Rodney Wilson
  33. Madam Wadei Powell
  34. Mr. Momo Sambola
  35. Atty. Lawrence Sua
  36. Mr. Onesimus James
  37. Madama Louise Duarto
  38. Mr. Madela Geeplay
  39. Madam Aumuo Ebanks
  40. Madam Vivian Sendolo Norman
  41. Madam Kebbeh Collins
  42. Mr. Samuel Dean
  43. Mr. Victor Saye
  44. Mr. Jethro SK Harris

In union strong, success is sure, we cannot fail. May God continue to bless Liberia. I thank you.”

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