Jeety’s ‘One Step Ahead’ of Most Concessions in Liberia

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Jeety’s ‘One Step Ahead’ of Most Concessions in Liberia

-Cinta Township Commissioner Johnson Says; As Jeety Promises to Spend US$250K on Construction, Furnishing of Health Facility

IPNEWS: “Let me say this is the first of its kind, especially in this surrounding for a company to come to us. Imagine, they have not even started getting any proceeds on their investment. The jobs have not even started to say the company is now open to take proceeds from this place. He told us even though I am here to invest, I have also come here to help,” Mr. Roland Johnson, Commissioner of Cinta Township said as he praised Mr. Upjit Singh Sachdeva, CEO of Jeety Trading Corporation and Jeety Rubber Liberia Limited Company.

Cinta Township Commissioner Roland Johnson

Included in the “help” that Mr. Jeety had told Commissioner Johnson about was to build for them a modern clinic that can easily be equated to a mini hospital taking into account the number of medical equipment that is going to be in the building.

The building is now 85 percent complete, according to the lead builder, Kanesh, an Indian, who is working along with 14 other Liberian men on the project.

According to Kanesh, when the entire construction works are completed within a month’s time, the building is going to be a 25-room modern clinic. Within these rooms are going to be 55 beds. There are also going to be three doctors’ rooms along with other offices. Two of the doctors are expected to be an Ophthalmologist (eye doctor) and an Orthopedic Surgeon (bone doctor). Also, the “Jeety Hospital” as one of the builders called it, is also going to have an operating theater, an xray room, an ultrasound room, and an eye testing compartment. The modern clinic is also expected to have a pharmacy, storerooms, an emergency area and a lobby area which is also going to contain the receptionist.

Like the young Commissioner Johnson said, Mr. Upjit Singh Sachdeva, who is more famously known as “Jeety”, is an Indian businessman, who is doing the construction of the health center for the locals of Weala and surrounding communities, which are in Cinta Township of Margibi County’s district #5. The facility will also serve his workforce when his company begins full operations.

Touring the site on Saturday, October 1, the residents of Weala, including the ecstatic Commissioner Johnson, said Mr. Jeety does what he promises that he would do. According to the Commissioner, Jeety, who also served as Honorary Consul General of his native India for more than two decades, was a step ahead of other concessionaires in the country.

Dr. M. Hablani, head Doctor, Jeety Hospital, Weala, Margibi County

“This is the first of its kind, especially in this surrounding for a company to come to us. Imagine, they have not even started getting any proceeds on their investment. The jobs have not even started to say the company is now opened to take proceeds from this place. He told us even though I am to invest, but I have also come here to help. So, the first thing I will do is to build a clinic for the people.”

The Commissioner narrates how the present health system in the area is “poor”. At the moment there is only one clinic in the entire district 5 and it is own and operated by another concession in the area. “They deal with their employees. But when you go there as ordinary citizen, you have to work with the system to be treated,” he added.

The “Jeety Hospital” is going to serve a catchment population of over 25 thousand in the Cinta Township alone, according to Johnson.

He thanked the Liberian Government for granting Mr. Jeety the privilege to set up his concession in the area.

He pleaded with the Indian investor to bring in qualified and specialized medical doctors to work at the clinic along with local nurses, who he said should be recruited from within the township and the district.

The Commissioners was joined by two of the prominent residents of the area.

Ms Martha Sandwidi, an eminent resident, Margibi County

Ms. Martha Sandwidi, an eminent lady of Weala, joined the Commissioner in thanking God for allowing Jeety to bring his investment in their township.

Hearing about the services that would be provided at the clinic, Ms. Sandwidi couldn’t hide her joy as she disclosed that because of the lack of a full medical facility in their area, anyone having serious medical emergency has to be rushed to Kakata, the capital of Margibi or to Monrovia, which is couple of hours from Weala.

“This clinic will save our lives. Jeety means good for us. Jeety told us in one of the forums we had with him that the clinic is going to be free of charge for everyone,” she added.

She further disclosed that the entire district doesn’t have a single ambulance, adding, “At night, when there is an emergency, we have to go knocking on the doors of people who have cars so that they can help.”

Mr. Cleophus Richards, a prominent businessman, Weala, Margibi County

Also, Mr. Cleophus Richards, a prominent businessman in the area and who had joined Ms. Sandwidi and Commissioner Johnson on the tour, too, praised Mr. Jeety for building the community a health facility when he is yet to realize the first dime on his investment, which is the tune of millions of United States dollars.

“This is a good thing for us to have two or three good health facilities in the district.”

He stated that Jeety’s presence in the district has brought some viability to the local economy of the area; add: “Even though he is yet to start full operations, Mr. Jeety has employed at 200 of the men and women who were laid off by the other company. Now these those people have purchasing power and our goods are being bought.”

Mr. Jeety, who is not in the country at the moment, via Whatsapp, told this newspaper that he has spent US$150,000 so far and by the completion of the entire projection, including having the equipment and beds in their places, he would have spent US$250,000 on the health facility.

Jeety already has one medical doctor on the ground. Dr. M. Hablani, who has worked in Liberia for the last five years at various hospitals including St. Joseph Catholic Hospital and the John F. Kennedy Medical Center. Dr. Hablani is going to be the head doctor. He said he’s not recruiting other health workers, who are going to work along with him at the facility.

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