

They initially formed a collaboration as opposition political parties under the nomenclature, ‘Collaborating Political Parties or CPP’, comprising the former ruling Unity Party of former Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai, Liberty Party of Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, Alternative National Congress of Alexander Benedict Cummings and All-Liberian Party of Benoni Wilfred Urey.

Their ultimate objective was to become a formidable force against the ruling CDC that is poised to win a second term at the polls in 2023. The development brought hope to some Liberians, who think President George Weah and his CDC have underperformed and do not deserve a second term with the confidence and reliance on the CPP to unseat the regime at the polls.

But in a twinkle of an eye and to the utmost surprise to its supporters and well-wishers, the CPP cracked and melted into an unabated confusion over its own framework document, leaving the Unity Party with no alternative, but to pull out of the collaboration.

For many observers, political pundits, and Liberians, who want to see the CDC out of state power, the collapse of the CPP has blurred the chances of the opposition community in the pending elections.

As it is often said, ‘A house divided against itself will not stand.’ Or to put it the other way around, ‘A divided opposition will not stand’ during the 2023 Legislative and Presidential Elections if it fails to consolidate its forces to put up a firm challenge to the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change or CDC.

This popular adage may have apparently stimulated Nobel Laureate and renowned woman activist, Leymah Gborwee’s social media post titled, ‘A Citizen’s Plea for a United Opposition.

This is why we think the opposition community should not ignore Madam Gborwee’s plea, asking the opposition to unite.

“Hope in the midst of hopelessness,” she said in her social media post, predicting a massive win for the governing Coalition for Democratic Change, CDC, if the opposition political parties remain divided.

She warned that if the opposition does not consolidate their forces to put up what she calls a real challenge in the forthcoming October 2023 elections, they should get ready to be flogged massively at the polls by incumbent President, George Weah. The Nobel Laureate and woman activist said she believes that for Liberia to achieve the change that many desire, the opposition presidential aspirants must decide on a single ticket, noting that it is time egos, personal interests and numerous selfish advisors stand aside so that the welfare of Liberians can for once be preeminent.

It is in view of Madam Gborwee’s plea and concern that we again called on opposition political parties to heed her plea to avoid a situation in which the opposition will cry foul after they are defeated at the polls due to their failure to hold together.  As is also often said, a hint to the wise is quite sufficient.

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