50k Library project materials looted by rep. Cole?


50k Library project materials looted by rep. Cole?

IPNEWS: The Authoritative Independent Probe Newspaper has gathered that representative Josiah Marvin Cole has ordered the building materials for the library project from the project site in Gbarnga.

The materials that consist of over 237 sizeable and valuable steels, quarter rods, and pipes were taken on September 10, 2022.

The materials are worth over four (4) thousand United States Dollars.

Sources informed our Bong County reporter that representative Josiah Marvin Cole is reportedly owing some individuals mending the property.

The parties, our sources stated, are claiming over $1940 United States Dollars in payment for 14 months while the cooks are also claiming $300 United States Dollars for an additional three-month payment totaling $2240 USD.

Recently, another high-place individual confirmed that Marvin Cole sent $200 United States Dollars as an initial payment before requesting the materials less than a week.

A standstill was witnessed by some Community members over representative Cole’s indebtedness when he ordered the materials taken.

Sources have also informed this paper that the lawmaker is reportedly expected to collect the remaining crushed rocks, sand, and bricks in a short while. Our sources didn’t elaborate further.

The future of the materials including the controversial Library project is totally uncertain.

Currently, the facility is serving as a ghetto and a prostitution camp for unscrupulous individuals with little or nothing to salvage the situation by Rep. Cole.

50k historicity

During the November 2018 County sitting, 50 thousand United States Dollars was allotted to the construction of the project that is at standstill, thereby posing serious Community threats to inhabitants.

After its passage by delegates, the project started at a snail’s pace for a year.

No reason has been provided.

Up to press time, it’s not however clear whether the project was being bided as required by the PPCC Act.

No construction company has since been announced but the project commenced in 2020- a violation of the PPCC act.

In late 2021, representative Josiah Marvin Cole informed Bongese that the project which is at elevation level needed three months to compact before witnessing full completion, but the promise is yet to be fulfilled.

Meanwhile, Representative Josiah Marvin Cole and his officials have refused to provide clarity after countless engagements coupled with text messages and calls.

Citizens’ Concern

At the same time, some citizens of the county have expressed sadness over the reported attitude of the lawmaker to deprive them of their funds through the construction of a library.

“We don’t understand why our lawmaker is behaving in this matter. This is taxpayers’ money. Besides, this product was agreed upon during the 2018 County sitting by delegates. Why will he divert it?” they wondered.

The Bong County citizens want representative Cole to do the needful to enable the project’s completion.

Many advocacy groups in the County have however threatened a lawsuit against him if the materials aren’t returned in a month’s time.

“Hon. Josiah Marvin Cole can’t treat us like this! This is the taxpayers’ money that he is playing with. We are hoping he returns the materials and completes the project. Someone can’t come here and do something against our will- this Library project is the heartbeat of the county considering the funds were allotted to it. We are very serious with our ultimatum” they told journalists over the weekend.

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