CDC Reaffirms Framework Document


CDC Reaffirms Framework Document

IPNEWS: As the 2023 Presidential and Legislative elections draw closer, the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change is cementing every effort to retain national powers as the three political parties which formed the grand coalition reaffirmed their respective willingness to work together ahead of the presidential race.

Speaking at a news conference, Friday September 09, at the headquarters of the party in Monrovia, CDC’s national chairman Mulbah Morlu said, “We the leaders, standard-bearers and chairperson of political parties constituting the coalition for Democratic change, namely the National Patriotic party (NPP) the Liberia People Democratic Party (LPDP), and the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC); in recognition of the tremendous development gains of the CDC-led government, which remains committed to fulfilling the solemn promises that inspired into existence the Coalition for Democratic Change; were as, acknowledging the president efforts of the CDC-led government, in the delivery of basic social services, good governance, genuine national reconciliation, accountability, national infrastructural development, respect for reconciliation, and respect for fundamental and inalienable human rights enshrined in constitution of Liberia reaffirmed our commitment of working together for pending election,” the two page document said.

The Liberian People Democratic Party is being led by former House Speaker J. Alex Tyler; while the National Patriotic Party is under the stewardship of Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor, and the Congress for Democratic Change is headed by current President George Weah.

Accordingly, to the document, the agreement is on the basis of tremendous development gains of the CDC-led government in the delivery of basic social services, good governance, genuine national reconciliation, and accountability among others.

The agreement further spelled out that the three parties’ reaffirmation of commitment is realizing that the impressive achievements of the Weah-led government and the enabling democratic space it has ascertained, is a watershed movement for “our County, an opportunity to have embraced as a Patriotic and institutional imperative to support its continuity”

Congress for Democratic Change (CDC), National Patriotic Party (NPP), and the Liberian People Democratic Party (LPDP) in their aggressive noted that they are cognizant of collective support for the re-election of President George Weah which remains the Supreme cause of the “Whose interest the Pro-poor Agenda for Development and Prosperity (PAPD) is being successfully implemented”.

The Coalition for Democratic Change enjoys strong political allies with the Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction of Nimba County Senator Prince Johnson.

The reaffirmation stated, in further recognition of the Weah-led government’s laudable efforts in the provision of employment opportunities for ordinary citizens, especially where it has sustained the delivery of basic social services to our people in many keys area, including Healthcare, Education, and Agriculture.

According to the document which allows President Weah to retain the standard bearer of the CDC, Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor as vice standard bearer and Mr. Mulbah Morlu as national chairman indicates that realizing that the impressive achievements of the Weah led- government and the enabling democratic space it has ascertained, is a watershed moment for our Country, an opportunity we have embraced as a patriotic and institutional imperative to support its continuity;

“Cognizant that our collective support for the Weah led-government is in the supreme cause of the great people of Liberia in whose interest the Pro-Poor Agenda for property and Development (PAPD) is being successfully implemented.  Now, therefore, we the following political parties; Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) National Patriotic Party (NPP), and the Liberia People Democratic Party 2016 agreement and henceforth, reaffirm our commitment to the Coalition for Democratic Change 2023 Legislature and Presidential Elections, the document concludes.

The reaffirmation of commitment, which was signed on September 8, 2022, is a baseline political settlement to secure a second-term presidential bid for former football legend and Senator of Montserrado County George Weah.

Meanwhile, the Coalition for Democratic Change has announced a two-day orientation workshop for its major auxiliaries’ leadership in Gbarnga, Bong County.

The two days event according to the CDC Chair is intended to mode the minds of partisans in achieving future political goals.

Morlu told reporters that the workshop will also help strengthen the party in enhancing its mobilization strategies in upholding its originality as a “mass base political movement”.

Besides, the CDC Chair reechoed the need to uphold zero tolerance against violence in spite of political differences.

“In our party, we have no place for violence,” he said at the CDC headquarters during the press Conference on Friday”, Chairman Morlu said.

According to Mulbah Morlu, CDC believes in peace, unity, and stability, something that drives the country in the rightful trajectory.

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