“Imperial Presidency & Gov’t Got Liberians Poor” – Simeon Freeman


“Imperial Presidency & Gov’t Got Liberians Poor” – Simeon Freeman

–Wants Liberians Take Advantage of Judicial System

INPNEWS-Monrovia: The political leader of the opposition Movement for Progressive Chance (MPC) says one of the main reasons why the people of Liberia are so poor is because generation from generation the people through the constitution gave too much power or authority to the government, including the presidency than it deserves.

Speaking on the Wednesday, August 17, 2022 edition of The Simeon Freeman Show, which is aired on four radio stations in Monrovia, including SKY FM, Capitol FM, OK FM and Bana FM, as well on screamed on his official Simeon Freeman Facebook page, the MPC leader narrated that when things go wrong in the country, people should take advantage of the justice system.

Mr. Freeman intimated that many citizens are reluctant to go court when they are aggrieved because they claim the court is corrupt. He further indicated that in every respect, “we give too much authority to the state and state officials than they are entitled to, as a result, we, and ourselves institute a form of challenge to the justice system.” He said at this juncture, “the people will say nothing can happen, it is not true, people are winning cases every day; individual against banks, banks against companies and so forth.”

He then encouraged his compatriots to take advantage of the courts and should stop living with the myth that nothing will happen when they go to court. Mr. Freeman who is the political leader of the opposition Movement for Progressive Change used the opportunity to inform the Liberian people that if one went to court and it rules otherwise, it does not mean that there is no justice in the country but what that indicates is that the court’s opinion is different from ours.

The MPC political leader also noted that the biggest defects in the society is the fact that people who are not in power and are desiring to come to power, become very derogatory and destructive  and when they are fortunate to ascend to state power they expect others to be in compliance with the law, but “we must all work for the better good of the country.”

Speaking about the  national budget, Mr. Freeman said that the Judicial Branch of government gets US$17 million a year of which he noted is being infinitesimal considering the number of courts across the country while the Legislature that has one office in Monrovia, takes a whooping US$58 million which he also describes as ‘free money’ and a greater number of other state institutions remain underfunded, including Liberia National Police, Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency, Liberia Immigration Service, Liberia National Fire Service, etc.

Continuing, Mr. Freeman expressed shock over the silence of political parties when budget allocations are made in the country, knowing fully that state function lies in budget and it should concerns everyone when LDEA is unable to fight drug crime, the inability of the police to fight crimes, lack of medical supplies and drugs in the hospitals around the country, when few group of people are accruing so much onto themselves.

The Movement for Progressive Change political leader called on all Liberians to prevail on the Judicial System and demand that it becomes speedy in administering justice so that it once more can inspire confidence in the rule of law. Mr. cited the death of George Floyd in America when the people demanded justice through the court until the family of the victim who suffered police brutality was awarded millions of dollars for damages, noting that “we can stand up for justice in this country.”

According to Mr. Simeon Freeman, he prefers the legal system than the normal agitation for protest, stating that most of the forerunners of such advocacy have their families outside of the country.

He urged Liberians to go to court when they have issues because according to him it is the right thing to do, citing an instance he had with the Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf’s administration when the MPC went to court and challenged her qualification to contest the elections in 2011, but the court ruled otherwise, stating that she was qualified.

He noted a specific case in point about the issue of protest when Princess Cooper died under mysterious circumstances at the ELWA junction, stating that nothing was achieved out of the numerous protestations in Monrovia by various women group, but had they opened a MOMO account to raise money for a legal battle, the process would still be on today, trying to pursue justice, but as it stands, the whole case has been forgotten, he stressed.

Mr. Freeman therefore indicated that his intention to be president is for him to help develop the country and not to destroy it. Writes Seykajipo Amegashie

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