INCHR Grand Kru Officer Wants Parents Desist from Using Female Students as Bread Winners


INCHR Grand Kru Officer Wants Parents Desist from Using Female Students as Bread Winners

IPNEWS-Grand Kru: The Independent National Commission on Human Rights (INCHR) in Grand Kru County applauds parents in the county for taking key interests in educating their Children and wants them to desist from make female students as bread winners.

The INCHR Officer in the country, Stanley Konwroh in an interview with IPNEWS correspondent, extolled the parents and citizens for prioritizing their children’s education, adding the children are the future leaders and decision makers in the society.

“Education gives you self-discipline, a sense of responsibility, team work among children and prevents them from feeling social insecurity, it helps in being self-confident and a makes people good policy makers”, Stanley Konwroh said.

According to him, if children are educated, society and the nation will benefit that the rightful things for the growth and development will always be on the map.

Grand Kru County Independent Human Right official called on students mainly females across the county to utilize the opportunity and achieve their success.

Moses described education as the best way to skip poverty.

He maintains that, girls who seek education are mostly to marry young and more likely to lead in productive lives, participate in decisions making that most affect them and build better futures for themselves and their families to strengthen economic inequality.

He warned against children that are in the streets taking in harmful substances such as; alcohol, cigarettes, and weed to desist as such attitude will damage their future, while encouraged them to make use of their time instead of being in the streets to carry on illegal acts.

He emphasized that, going into the class to read or write is not the only way of acquiring better education, but called on citizens especially students to learn something that will benefit them as tomorrow’s people and help build the country and society.

Meanwhile, Stanley W. Konwroh called on mothers, fathers, and daughters of Grand Kru County to make use of education which he described as the key to running away from poverty of a childhood. Writes Fedrick Kaydiplah Kumeh in Grand Kru; 0880538651 /0776346260; fedrickkumeh57@com

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