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 IPNEWS: The Head of the Sierra Leone’s Anti-corruption Commission Francis Ben Kaifala has called on President George Weah to veto what he calls a “dangerous anti-corruption legislation” before him .

Ben Kaifala, one of Africa’s leading anti-corruption icons in regular anti-corruption post said he is reliably informed that the Executive branch of Liberia has proposed and the Legislature has passed a law to dissolve the Commission and replace it with powerless body.

He said the action is in retaliation of the good work at the Liberian Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC).

The Sierra Leone anti-graft Chief said he is praying that sense will prevail and President Weah does not approve such a dangerous move against the fight against corruption in Africa.

This is the first statement from a towering international figure in the fight against corruption since the Legislature in Liberia moved on Thursday, July 21, 2022 to dissolve the current Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) and replace it with a body where all the current Commissioners will be removed.

In recent times the LACC through its Chairperson Cllr. Edwin Kla Martin has been releasing huge anti-corruption reports detailing acts of corruption at several government ministries and agencies involving millions of United States Dollars of public resources.

On Thursday, July 21, the joint conference committees of both Houses of the Legislature, voted for the dissolution of the current LACC structure headed by Cllr. Edwin K. Martin.

The Liberian Senate has finally dashed the hope of Commissioners at the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC), with the passage of the new amended LACC act of 2022.
The new Act now called for the removal/replacement of the entire Commissioners at the LACC.
The dissolution of the LACC and replacement of its leadership may now lead to the immediate resignation of Cllr. Edwin Kla Martin, and other Commissioners, with subsequent reapplication of those wishing to reoccupy the positions.
Thursday’s  joint conference committee comprising both the House of Representatives and Senate now recommends the setting up of a vetting committee comprising the Press Union of Liberia, General Auditing Commission, the Governance Commission, among others.
The vetting committee will now vet and submit fourteen names to President George Weah for nomination.
According to the new amended LACC Act, the Commission will now have seven commissioners rather than the previous five commissioners.
New new Act now  grants prosecuting power to the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC).

When signed by the President of Liberia, George Weah, the proposed law titled “An Act Amending and Restating An Act to Establish the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC)” now grants the anti-graph institution prosecutorial powers upon being printed into handbill.

The lawmakers during their 40th Day Sitting also voted to pass a bill known as the “Whistleblower Act of 2021” that is seeking to protect whistleblowers as well as “Witness Protection Act 0f 2021” that seeks to grant protection to witnesses.

The House Plenary further enacted “An Act to Amend the Alien and Nationality Law and Anti-Money Laundering, Terroristic Financing, Preventive Measures and Proceeds of Crimes of 2021″.

With the passage of the new amended LACC act, political pundits, including Montserrado County, Senator Abraham Darius Dillion, River Gee County Jonathan Boy Charles Sogbie, Grand Bassa County Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence and Lofa County Senator Steve Zargo disagreed with the hesitant dissolution of the Commissioner positions and the setting up of a vetting committee contrary to previous composition of the post for a five-year tenure.

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