Justice Minister Receives Complaints of Deaths in Prisons

Crime Watch

Justice Minister Receives Complaints of Deaths in Prisons

IPNEWS:ย  The local media have reported that more reports continue to surface about the death of an inmate, days after the family of another inmate who died at the Monrovia Central Prison, raised an alarm.

However, a complaint over the death of another inmate has been forwarded to Justice Minister Musa Dean, where family members are calling for an investigation into the death of their relative in a police cell.

The Brown family has asked Minister Dean to investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of their brother Sylrinus Brown at the Police cell in Johnsonville, outside Monrovia.

The Brown familyโ€™s demand was contained in a letter dated July 19, 2022, to Justice Minister Musa Dean, requesting Minister Dean to make an inquiry into what led to the death of their relative who did not show any sign of illness, before his incarceration.

The late Sylrinus Brown reportedly died at Zone-2 Depot Police Station in Johnsonville, after four otherscommunity-related were arrested and incarcerated by the Police Commander only identified as Buhen.

Brown died in a police cell bringing to two the number of complaints being filed before Minister Dean surrounding the death of a Liberian citizen in Police cells.

Recently, the family of the late James Carver also demanded an investigation into the death of their relative at the Monrovia Central Prison, describing the manner he died as worrying.

Carver was among three other detainees who died at the Monrovia Central Prison on separate occasions in July.

This led to his family lawyer, Cllr.ย  Kpoto Grizzie to send a communication to Minister Dean to show probable cause leading to the death of Carver on July 12.

Cllr. Grizzieโ€™sโ€™ request to the Ministry of Justice for an investigation is on the basis that people are allegedly pointing fingers at one Blama Wright, for flogging the late James Carver and later arresting him in connection to a land dispute in Johnsonville.

It can recall the recent United States Human Rights Report on Liberia speak of violation of human rights, police brutality, arbitrary arrests, among others as some vices that tainted the image of the country.

It remains to be seen whether Minister Musa Dean will institute a speedy investigation through the Bureau of Corrections and Rehabilitation at the Ministry, headed by Assistant Justice Eddie Trawallay for prompt actions against any violator in the reported deaths of the two inmates.

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