Unity Party Ignores Partisans’ Outcries over Exorbitant Primaries Fees – Goes Ahead with Convention


Unity Party Ignores Partisans’ Outcries over Exorbitant Primaries Fees – Goes Ahead with Convention

IPNEWS: The former governing Unity Party (UP) of Joseph Boakai has ignored the outcries of its thousands of partisans and supporters who recently denounced the exorbitant fees being charged by Amin Modad’s leadership as the party goes to a convention to elect a new corps of officers.

The UP Convention is due to be held in Gbarnga, Bong County from 26 – 29 July 2022.

A fortnight ago, some partisans of the Unity Party (UP) criticized the former ruling party over exorbitant fees for elective positions at its pending national convention scheduled to take place from July 26-29 in Gbarnga, Bong County.

Following the adoption of the revised constitution that has been endorsed by the National Executive Committee, the UP announced that several vacancies, including the standard bearer position, national chairman, would be up for grabs, though it didn’t announce the fees for various positions.

But some partisans who are desiring to contest for elective positions and we’re being informed about the fees of various positions say the price tags were totally against the democratic aspirations of less privileged partisans who have shown commitment to the party over the years.

The party’s current Vice Chairman for Recruitment and Mobilization, John F. Karnga, aspiring for the Deputy Secretary General for Training and Research position, has accused the party’s National Chairman Amin Modad of ‘unnecessarily charging astronomically’, and wants the standard bearer of the party Joseph Boakai intervene.

“Standard Bearer is paying US$7,500.00 and for my position I am being asked to pay US$1,500. Besides, I’m required to pay dues as far back as 2018 even though I have been supporting the party,” he said.

“So, I will be paying US$3600 for dues plus the US$1500 before I can be allowed to contest.”

According to him, he suspects a ploy by Modad to “deny Boakai from being elected president of this country”, adding that those with deep pockets “are not loyal partisans.”

“Dedicated partisans of the UP might be denied from contesting for various positions because they can’t afford the amount being charged while someone sitting in Monrovia with all the money who has never shown commitment to the party will be elected”.

Up to press time, efforts exerted to reach Modad and the chairman of the Convention, Lofa County representative Clarence Massaquoi for their responses proved futile.

Lawmakers Recommends High Fees for Aspirants

It can be recalled in 2014, the House of Representatives proposed and debated a bill seeking to increase the registration fees of President, Vice President, Senatorial and Representative Aspirants in forthcoming elections.

Amongst other things, the bill also sought to suspend for 12 consecutive years candidates that acquire 2% or below of the total number of valid votes cast and 30% seat allocation for women.

The Law, sponsored by former Bong County Senator and now Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor, stipulated that candidate contesting elections would be required to pay the amounts in United States dollars: presidential – $25,000; vice-presidential $15000; senatorial – $5000; and representative – $3000.

Furthermore, candidates applying for the positions of paramount, clan, and town chiefs would be required to pay $150, $100 and $50 respectively.

In stark comparison, the current law requires the following payments from candidates: presidential – $2,500; vice-presidential- $1,500; senatorial – $750; and representative – $300.

The proposed amendment represented an astronomical increase of 1000% in the required presidential, vice-presidential and representative fees, as well as 667% in the senatorial fee.

Meanwhile, Team Amin Modad of the Unity Party (UP) says it cannot afford the mistake of changing an experienced and over-achieving leadership with another without an understanding of UP’s and Liberia’s inner workings.

The opposition party’s preparation for its convention is ongoing with barely 15 months until Liberia’s presidential and legislative elections due in 2023.

Cllr. Jeror Cole Bangalu who chairs Team Modad announced the group’s aspirants for the upcoming UP National Convention during a press conference on Tuesday, 19 July 2022.

The Convention is due to be held in Gbarnga, Bong County from 26 – 29 July 2022.

Cllr. Bangalu warned that it will be a disaster to put in place a different leadership to steer the affairs of the party when there is just a limited time left for national elections to be held.

“In light of the above, we come today to present to the people of Liberia, the Unity Party and in particular the voting delegates to the upcoming Gbarnga Convention a team of experienced, committed, loyal and innovative partisans to contest for various leadership positions at the convention,” said Cllr. Bangalu.

He named Amb. Joseph Nyuma Boakai as the Standard Bearer; Amin Modad, National Chairman; and Dabah Mabande Varpilah, Senior National Vice Chair/Vice Chair for Administration.

He also named Rep. Ben A. Fofana, National vice Chair for Governmental Affairs and International Relations; and Cornelia Kruah-Togba, National vice Chair for Inter-Party Relations and National Elections Commission Affairs.

Others are Whroway Bryant, National Vice Chair for Membership, Mobilization & Recruitment; Mohammed Ali, National Secretary General; Christian Cooper, National Deputy Secretary for Administration; James Yolei, National Deputy Secretary General for Research and Training; and Edmund Forh Forh, National Treasurer.

For the Women’s Congress, he named Mrs. Selena Polson Mappy who will spearhead the team and will subsequently announce all other aspirants of her team.

“You can rest assured that Team Modad is in full support of the aspirants that will be submitted by Partisan Mappy,” Cllr. Bangalu stated.

He furthered that for the National Youth Congress, the team is headed by Togar Melvin Cephas who is contesting as National vice Chair for Youth Affairs.

Kuta Gbakolay goes for Secretary-General; Emmanuel Kunneh Wreh Farr, an aspirant for Deputy Secretary for Administrat,ion and Jartu Worrell, an aspirant for Treasurer.

All other aspirants for the Youth Congress will be named subsequently by T. Melvin Cephas, Bangalu added.

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