Liberians Are Experiencing the Most Turbulent Times under the CDC Government – Senator Moye Reveals


Liberians Are Experiencing the Most Turbulent Times under the CDC Government – Senator Moye Reveals

By: James Lehmer Hiama Jr.; +231- 770-334857;

IPNEWS-Monrovia: Senator Prince Kermue Moye, says Liberia and its citizens are experiencing the most turbulent times under the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) government led by ex-soccer star George Weah.

Senator Moye who is representing the people of Bong County in the 54th National Legislature on the ticket of the former governing Unity Party, mentioned that though the guns are silent, the country’s peace remains fragile due to the unequitable distribution of the country’s resources among the citizenry.

He, however, pointed out that poverty, inflation, and economic hardship, lack of jobs opportunities for young people, and the huge increase in the crime rate as the major problems effecting Liberia and its people.

The senator who chairs the Senate Committee on Education and Public Administration, uttered these comments when he served as the keynote speaker at the convocation and graduation exercises of the Carver Christian University recently.

“As a country, we are experiencing some of our most turbulent times in our 200 years of existence. Peace and tranquility do not just signal the silence of the guns, it is also the willingness of the state and non-state actors to uphold justice and the rules of law.”

“Peace also relates to ensuring equitability in the distribution of national wealth and resources. When a segment of the population feels marginalized, when ordinary people lacks access to basic social services such as quality education and healthcare, electricity and safe drinking water, and dignified employment opportunities, while a few at the top of government swim in a pool of wealth supposedly drawn from the covers of the state, then we all have to be concerned.”

The senator stated that the collapse of the nation’s education system is tantamount to the destruction of said nation. He noted that one of does not necessarily need missiles and heavy artillery in order to destroy a nation.

“One only needs to render the education system corrupt, messy and fraudulent in order to destroy the nation. Such an education system produces teachers that are inept. Patients die at the hands of incompetent doctors and nurses produced by such an education system.”

He averred that judges who are educated by a corrupt and messy education system always hand down unfair and controversial rulings.

According to him, the infrastructure also collapsed due to the incompetence of the engineers who school in such a system.

“In such a system, corruption and disorderliness become the order of the day. Such are the Hallmark of a destitute and broken education system. Therefore, if we seek to build a great nation and a vibrant society, we must all work together with sincerity and commitment to improving the status of education in our nation.”

Evident by the growing wave of societal ills and questionable wealth being amassed by top government officials thereby threatening the wellbeing of the Masses, senator Moye proffered the need for members of the national legislature to see it as a national duty to enact laws to prioritize standardized practices in the general performances of various actors in the sectors.

He called on the Ministry of Education to ensure the implementation of such laws and regulations.

He cautioned university administrations to carry out the affairs of their institutions in ways and manners that conform to academic best practices.

“Our efforts to transform education must be concerted and well-coordinated, with all actors gladly honoring their responsibilities.”

He encouraged that despite the tough times citizens are experiencing, they should bear in mind that the country is at a very critical juncture.

Senator Moye also commented that Liberia should never be about haves and haves-not, the educated versus the illiterate, believers versus unbelievers, or congaus versus native.

Meanwhile, the Carver Christian University had bestowed a “Doctorate of Humane Letters – Honoris causa” on Senator Moye for his immense and indelible contributions to humanity not only to the people of Bong County, but across the nation.

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