Five Years of Gross Incompetence – SUP Says of Weah’s Govt.


Five Years of Gross Incompetence – SUP Says of Weah’s Govt.

The University of Liberia campus-based Vanguard Student Unification Party, SUP, says it is annoyed by what it says is the gross incompetence, rampant corruption, injustices and human rights abuses in the Government of President George Weah.

SUP in a statement said it is particularly annoyed by the overnight wealth being acquired by some officials of the Government, while majority of the citizens live in abject poverty. “Enough is enough,” said the student group’s chairman, Mustapha Kanneh, on a local radio station early this week.

Student Kanneh said SUP will rally thousands of citizens across the Country to express their annoyance through a protest action during celebrations marking this year’s Independence Day Anniversary.

Pres. Weah – SUP has taken his government to task

Liberians will on next Tuesday observe the Country’s 175th Independence Anniversary. “Our protest on Independence Day is in good faith as it is intended as a wakeup call to the Government to address the concerns of the citizenry,” the Chairman of the UL-based student group noted.

Student Kanneh observed Liberia under the regime of soccer legend, President Weah, is in five years of his rule is characterized by high level of ineptitude, corruption, and secret killings. “Worst of all, President Weah had promised to establish a war and economic crimes court, but reneged on his promise,” he said.

Liberia, according to the SUP’s Chairman, is retrogressing and is at a verge of collapse and so there is nothing to celebrate on July 26, 2022.

He said the planned protest is not about the Executive alone, but all branches of the government. “We are carrying on mass mobilization using the social media and radio stations to rally Liberians from all spheres of life, including marketers, students, commercial motorcyclists and others to join us on July 26 because it is our fundamental right to protest,” he said.

Ask about his appraisal of the Weah’s government, the UL Student Unification Party’s Chairman said President Weah and his Government have scored a minimum twenty percent in performance.

Meanwhile, some Liberians, mainly supporters of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change or CDC, have accused the UL student group of being influenced by the opposition to stage a protest on Independence Day with the aim to undermine the government. SUP has denied the claim. Writes David N. Targbe; +231-886-541943 / 775-862990;

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