President Weah Cautions Cabinet of His Government


President Weah Cautions Cabinet of His Government

–As He Warned Officials to Seize Their Spots in Performance

IPNEWS-Ganta-Nimba County: President George Weah, on Monday, July 11, 2022, cautioned cabinet members of his government to put in more efforts in implementing the functions of government’s ministries and agencies.

Speaking at the start of the cabinet retreat held in Nimba County, at the Peace Empire in Ganta, the Liberian leader noted the need to ensure that development is realized as it is within the government’s developmental agenda has not taken path.

The president said, “As enshrined within our Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development, a lot more need to be done to bring our nation to the promised land of our national development plan we have made.”

He, however, warned officials of government to seize their spots in terms of performance as the work they do would motivate the voters come 2023 general and presidential elections.

He maintained that, “It is imperative that all hands are on decks with a full commitment to ensuring that we get a resounding victory in the 2023 elections, which is to come in 16 months from now.”

Cabinet Ministers in the Weah’s administration

According to him, for the past four years, the government has made tremendous progress for development across the country, as such, the need for revision in order to ensure that such is in line with the PAPD, for the betterment of our country.

President Weah, noted that during the retreat, eight keys priorities were chosen for the various sessions and outlined as the PAPD performance, Outlook of Economy, Management of Coordination of Foreign Aids, Review of the 2022 Legislative Agenda, Increasing Accountability and Transparency in government. Ensuring a culture of performance delivery of more results and improving coordinate and teamwork in government and presidential priorities for the next sixteen (16) months.

At the same time, he called for collectivism and innovations across the various Ministries and agencies.

“I commend your active participation in the performance management and compliance system, which requires all Ministries, agencies, and commissions to develop a comprehensive, critical, and analytical report of policies and programs that ate under their direction, with particular emphasis on those that have been instituted during the period of our leadership “, he averred.

The cabinet retreat brought together the President, Vice president, Ministers, Deputy and Assistant Ministers, Heads and Deputy Heads of SOEs, etc. Writes James Lehmer Hiama, Jr.;

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