Friends of Like Mind Inaugurates Leadership, Hosts Fundraiser, Dinner


Friends of Like Mind Inaugurates Leadership, Hosts Fundraiser, Dinner

IPNEWS-Monrovia: A non-for-profit and charitable organization, comprising of professionals from different backgrounds, including bankers, lawyers, engineers, security experts, economists, accountants, business associates, media personalities, among many others will on Saturday, June 25, 2022 inaugurates new corps of officers, as well as host a fundraiser and a dinner for charity.

In a chat with journalists this week, the Most Senior Friend of the group, Reginald Bropleh said the inauguration of the new leadership takes place at the Lutheran Guest Hall on 13th Street in Sinkor, with those expected to be install include, Mr. Reginald Bropleh – Most Senior Friend (Head),– Agatha Thompson – Senior Friend (Deputy head), Ms. Tina D-Sarweh Martin – Chancellor of Exchequer (Treasurer), Mr. Lewis Slash Freeman – Secretary (Scribe), Melvin Richards – Chaplain and Levon Thomas – Whip.

Flashback:  Some items donated by Friends of Like Mind to the needy as well as to orphanages in the past.

The new Friends of Like Mind has been elected for two years and are expected to steer the affairs of the charity organization, which has been involved in carrying out charity work with orphanages and others institutions that are in need.

Organized in five years ago, Friends of Like Mind have contributed immensely to the socio-psycho upliftment of some orphans who reside in orphanages in and around Monrovia, as well as in Grand Bassa County. The group has been involved in charity since its organization.

Flashback: some members of Friends of Like Mind at the Redemption Hospital to identify with the needy

In the past, Friends of Like Mind shared Christmas joy with some orphans and health facilities, including the Agnes and Alfred Orphanage in Brewerville and the Redemption Hospital in New Kru Town. The group in distributed an assortment of food and other items (oil, cartons of soap, toiletries, rice, candies, etc).

The organization is made up of professional men and women.. Sharing with the needy, friends and the community is an essential part of the celebration of Christmas which Friends of Like Mind has always done over the years.

The Friends of Like Mind’s Gala night is expected to be graced by several dignitaries, including government officials, public corporation heads and officials, lawmakers, bankers, lawyers, business institutions, private entrepreneurs, concessions, among many others.

Meanwhile, the Most Senior Friend (MSF) of Friend of Like Mind, Reginald Bropleh is calling on members of the organizations, active, inactive as well as those who have backslidden to turn out on Saturday, June 25, 2022 to support the fundraiser and be part of the inaugural ceremonies.

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