ArcelorMittal Liberia Lights Out Buchanan Port and It’s Environ with  Solar Electrification

Business News

ArcelorMittal Liberia Lights Out Buchanan Port and It’s Environ with  Solar Electrification

IPNEWS: ArcelorMittal Liberia (AML) has intervened to help improve the lighting and security conditions at the government-operated Buchanan Port with the latest donation of a consignment of 33 high-performance and environmentally friendly solar streetlights.

ArcelorMittal Liberia made the donation Wednesday at the Buchanan Port, after receiving a request for support from the Port’s Management.

Buchanan Port Manager Civicus Barsi-Giah received the consignment of solar streetlights and commended ArcelorMittal Liberia for the donation and partnership to improve conditions at the Port.

“We’ve come to appreciate the efforts of ArcelorMittal Liberia. As you know, we share common grounds with ArcelorMittal, the biggest investment partner in this county,” Barsi-Giah said.

He said President George Weah and the government remain committed to working with AML, especially on the success of the company’s expansion project.

Representing management, ArcelorMittal Liberia’s Corporate Responsibility Manager Eric Swen said the support from AML to the Buchanan Port was another demonstration of the company’s commitment to investing in initiatives that promote socio-economic development in Liberia.

“On behalf of AML CEO, I like to symbolically donate these lights to support your lighting system within the port. This gesture reinforces our commitment to work with the port in terms of partnership and relationship building. Once again, we’re very happy and pleased to be associated with the port operations here and will continue to support you in whatever way we can,” Swen said.

Earlier this year, AML installed several solar streetlights from the intersection of Robert and Tubman Streets in Buchanan, leading into the Loop.

Several institutions including public, private, and community-owned continue to benefit increased support from ArcelorMittal Liberia as part of the company’s corporate social responsibility which promotes sharing of the value and dividends of its operations with all stakeholders and communities.

Some recent corporate responsibility initiatives of ArcelorMittal Liberia include: renovation of education and health facilities in Nimba, construction of a clinic and school, donation of education supplies, reconciliation through sports promotion, road construction and rehabilitation, provision of medical services in underserved communities amongst others.

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