Gbarpolu County Senator Frowns at Government of Liberia

Business News

Gbarpolu County Senator Frowns at Government of Liberia

–As She Deliberates on Issues Affecting Marketers at Red Light

By: James Lehmer Hiama, Jr.

IPNEWS-Monrovia: Gbarpolu County Senator Botoe Kanneh frowns at government over the closing down of stores and ordering the removals of marketers from Red-light commercial district to the newly-constructed Omega market in Paynesville.

Deliberating on her communication submitted to Senate plenary which is the highest decision making body on Tuesday, Senator Kanneh stressed that the issue was brought to her attention by the affected Red Light marketers for her quick intervention.

Omega market. GOL wants marketers from Red Light to relocate there but Senator Kanneh expresses concerns of over crowdedness 

She however told members of the Senate that the Omega Market is already thronged with marketers, emphasizing that it is unnecessary for the government to order the relocation of marketers to an already occupied facility.

The senator also requested the appearance of authority at the Ministry of Public Works to appear before that august body to explain plans aimed at addressing the bad road condition at the Omega Market.

However, Sen. Botoe Kanneh’s communication was received by plenary and forwarded to the Senate Joint Committee on Internal Affairs and Defense and report back to plenary on Thursday of this week.

The motion was made by Montserrado county senator Abraham Darius Dillon.

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