Liberia Labor Congress Calls on Gov’t to Ratify ILO C-190 Bill


Liberia Labor Congress Calls on Gov’t to Ratify ILO C-190 Bill

By Joseph Tumbey; (+231)777941209

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The Liberia Labor Congress (LLC) with support from ActionAid through the Strengthening Engagement in the Global Economy (SAGE Fund), is calling on the Liberia government to take action, and ensure that the International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention-190 is ratified and domesticated so that violence against women in the world of work is eliminated.

The (LLC) National Women Chair, Ms. Venus Quire said, the (LLC) is working with ActionAid Liberia and its affiliates, the Ministry Labor to ensure that there is a clear roadmap towards the ratification and destination of C-I90 Bill.

According to her, it has being done through the current ACTION TO ENSURE the RATIFICATION C-190 Campaign is prioritized among other international bills.

Speaking to the reporters at their head Office in Monrovia on Monday November 22, 2022, Madam Quire noted that, there will be series of activities that will climax their presentation of the petition to the National Legislature of the Republic of Liberia to enhance that the C-190 is ratified by the National Legislature.

She noted that, the International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention-190, is the Convention that provides specific measures to address Gender-based violence, harassment and disproportionate to women and girls at their respective work places.

“This is first interactional treaty to recognize the rights of everyone, more especially Women at the world of work to be freed from violence and harassment, and we are of the conviction that the advocacy campaign must be ratified and we are enlighten all stakeholders including the legislature for the urgency of the ratification and domestication of C190”, she emphasized.

Meanwhile the National Chair Lady of (LLC) said, they have built coalition with civil society organizations and rights-based groups to ensure, the ratification of C-190 is eminent among women from the community; who are involved at different phases of the advocacy to have speedy Ratification.

Madam Quire however alarms that, in Liberia, two thirds of the electorates are workers and their Families are the largest constituencies of any lawmaker within the country.

“From this backdrop, it’s prudent that the National Legislature seeks the welfare of the workers constituent to provide them adequate working environment.”

She calls upon the citizens and women to get involved in their fight and mount necessary pressure for the ratification of their Convention on Gender-based Violence and Harassment.

The National Women Chair Lady of the Liberia Labor Congress, Ms. Quire pointed out that, their objective is to create awareness through an advocacy campaign for the ratification of the Convention-190 “Gender-Based Violence and Harassment to counter gender based

Violence and harassment in the world of work more specifically, “Liberia.

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