Green Revolution, Collaborating Civil Society Organizations on BeaMountain Back


Green Revolution, Collaborating Civil Society Organizations on BeaMountain Back

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The Green Revolution of Liberia, in collaboration with civil society organizations in Grand Cape Mount County, including the conscious Cape Mountainians against exploitation and bad governance has exposed what it calls a ‘criminal cartel’ within BeaMountain operations in the county, calling on the relevant government authorities to act according to rescue the people of Cape Mount from hardship, despite huge minerals being extracted from their county.

According to the National Chairman of the Green Revolution of Liberia, Varney Manja Gbassey Kromah, the people of Cape Mount have agreed that the BeaMountain agreement is fiasco and bad, as such, they are demanding that the agreement be nullified and closed as it operates against the interest of the indigents.

Please see below full text of the Press Statement released by the Green Revolution of Liberia on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, through its National Chairman, Varney Manja Gbassey Kromah.

The Full Text

“We like to welcome our collaborating civil society organization most especially the conscious Cape Mountainians against exploitation and bad governance, the gallant men and women of the most powerful Green Revolution of Liberia, the fourth estates, ladies and gentlemen,

We are here today to expose the Criminal cartel which continues to influence Cape Mountainians suffering at the hand of Mafia Company BeaMountain.

 These wicked politicians are greatly benefiting from the loots of our county while our people continue to live in abject poverty. Today, we are here to expose them.  Mr. Debar W. Allen, Chairman National Advisory Council of Liberty Party has been identified as the alleged facilitator and executor of this dubious concession agreement between the government of Liberia and his Mafia Company BeaMountain which has and continue to bring untold hardships of our people in Grand Cape Mount County. 

 Mr. Debar Allen who hails from Grand Bassa County is not remorseful for what he and cronies are doing against our people in grand Cape Mount County. His very arrogant, brutal and profane to the workers of that Mafia Company. The Liberty Party Advisory Council Chairman, who is the engineer of BeaMountain Mafia operations in our county has been the company black manager from inception of the company to now but shows blind eyes to the suffering of our people. The indigents of the affected communities are living in deplorable conditions as the area lacks health facilities, safe drinking water, recreation or any basic social services while his people in Grand Bassa are living in luxury from the huge contribution collected from MittalSteel One Million United States Dollars annually (US$1,000,000,00)

 These are the people who are fighting for state power but see nothing wrong with his company failing to comply with even the fiasco clauses in their agreement like Section 13.3 of the 2013 mineral development agreement, which states that the company should be Training Liberians in various capacities to take leadership in the company after the first few years.

 Section 13.3 states that Following the granting to the company of a mining license under this agreement, the company must establish a capacity development program under which it shall provide on a continuing basis, undergraduate and graduate training abroad for its Liberian staffs and qualified Liberians, in order to train them for financial, accounting, supervisory managerial, executive positions and other skilled positions in the company. The company shall also establish vocational training facilities, provide on the job training and utilize whatever other measure are necessary and reasonable to build capacity and transfer knowledge and skills to Liberian employees to enable them Work in skilled trades and to supervise other tradesman and laborer.

 The company agrees that it shall continue to hire and train Liberian geologist, including funding their CRIRSCO accreditation as and when they qualify.

 The company has failed to live up to Section 13A which state and i quote “The Company shall conform to applicable Labor practice law and other applicable laws. The company shall not hire individual who are not citizens of Liberia for unskilled labor position. The company shall employed and give preference to the employment of qualified citizens of Liberia for financial, accounting, technical, administrative, supervisory, managerial, executive and other skilled positions as and when they become available, it being the objective of the parties as soon as is practicable that the activities of the operation should be conducted and manage primarily by citizens of Liberia

 In furtherance of the company obligation under the preceding sentence, the parties shall agree prior to the approval of the feasibility report on progressive implementation of an employment schedule with the aim that citizens of Liberia will hold at least 30% of all managerial position including 30% of its ten most senior positions within 8yrs of the initial grant to the company of a mining license and at least 70% of all managerial positions including 70% of its ten most senior positions within fifteen years of such date

 The people of Cape Mount has agreed that the BeaMountain agreement is fiasco and bad, as such, they are demanding that the agreement be nullified and closed as it operates against the interest of the indigents.”

Signed: Varney Manja Gbassey Kromah

National Chairman Green Revolution of Liberia


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