Police Restores Calm in Mano River Kongo following Rival Clashes over Senatorial Election Result; But Sen. Edwin Snowe, Other Wants Mastermind Idrissa Mansaray Arrested


Police Restores Calm in Mano River Kongo following Rival Clashes over Senatorial Election Result; But Sen. Edwin Snowe, Other Wants Mastermind Idrissa Mansaray Arrested

IPNEWS: Clam has been restored to in Bomi diamond rich town of Mano River Congo, following late Friday’s violence between supporters of Grand Cape Mount defeated Senatorial Candidate Victor Watson and Senator-elect Simeon Taylor.

On late Friday night, July 2, 2021, the authoritative Independent Probe gathered that intense rival fighting had ensued in Mano River Congo amidst last Friday’s pronouncement by the National Elections Commission-NEC of Simeon Taylor as the winner of Grand Cape Mount County disputed Senatorial election.

According to report, a popular diamond dealer Idrissa  Mansaray allegedly ordered loyalist into action leaving scrolls residents wounded following the pronouncement by the National Elections Commissions ( NEC), of victory by the Opposition Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) candidate Simeon Boima Taylor over his rival Victor Watson of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC).

IPNEWS understand that the alleged mastermind Mansaray is  a strong supporter of defeated Senatorial Candidate Victor Watson.

Independent sources further tell IPNews that the diamond dealer Idrissa Manasaray remains an untouchable man within Grand Cape Mount County and its surrounding counties.

Meanwhile, Bomi County Senator Edwin Melvin Snowe, including high-profile personalities of Grand Cape Mount are calling for immediate arrest and investigation into current last Friday’s barbaric acts being perpetrated on the orders of Idrissa Mansaray and co-accomplice defeated candidate and former Senator Victor Watson.

Senator Snowe told Spoon TV via phone from the Gambia he has made contacts with Monrovia, including Justice Minister Frank Musa Dean, Minister of State, Hon. Nathaniel McGill and Police Director, Patrick Suelu to ensure the swift arrest and investigation into the matter and bringing the situation under control.

For his part, Senator elect, Simeon Taylor, stated that citizens of Grand Cape Mount County can no longer condom the persistent attitude of Idrissa Mansaray without further action.

He stated that the continued poster and barbaric acts being perpetrated by Idressa Mansaray is due to visible support of some government state security particularly some members of the National Security Agency-NSA, assigned in Grand Cape Mount County.

Another resident bagging not to be named told IPNEWS that despite the euphoria which followed news of the NEC final ruling declaring Simeon Taylor as winner of the long-running legal wrangling, one of Victor Watson’s Porkpa District strongholds, Mano River Kongo, where supporters of defeated candidate Victor Watson, allegedly acting on the orders of Sierra Leonean businessman Idrissa “Bomber” Mansaray, launched vicious attacks on supporters of Simeon Taylor, leaving many wounded.

“We don’t know what the situation will be like tomorrow, but we are right now living in fear. Don’t be surprised to hear tomorrow morning that some people are killed by Idrissa’s men,” a shaken resident of Mano River Kongo told this paper from her Porkpa District hometown.

“Based on intel, this is exactly what we predicted hours before the NEC made its pronouncement. We called on the Government to beef up security in Porkpa District, but our advice fell on rocky soil. Now, the poor innocent citizens are bearing the brunt of violence just because some power-greedy individuals want to bypass the Constitution. This is what pushed our country down the slippery path of anarchy for 14 plus years,” The source narrated.

Pictures available to IPNEWS from the scene shows chopping of heads and deep wounds some supporters of Senator-elect Simeon Taylor.

Latest  information coming in says Justice Minister Musa Dean timely ordering of the Police movement to the trouble area, has now restored calm, with some supporters of rival groups arrested and are currently being held awaiting investigation and possible court trial where applicable.

Minister Dean stated that the government is on top the matter and security forces are now persuading perpetrators of Friday’s incident in Mano River Kongo.

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