Breaking News:  Mano River Congo in Flames Amidst Rival Protest over Election Result; But Musa Dean calls for calm

Laws & Order

Breaking News:  Mano River Congo in Flames Amidst Rival Protest over Election Result; But Musa Dean calls for calm

IPNEWS: The authoritative independent Probe is gathering that intense rival fighting is continuing in Mano River Congo amidst Friday’s pronouncement by the National Elections Commission-NEC of Simeo Taylor as the winner of Grand Cape Mount County.
According to the report, a popular diamond dealer Etraza  Massary, following the pronouncement by the NEC order loyalist into action leaving scrolls residents with wounds.
IPNEWS understand that Mr. Massary is a strong supporter of defeated  Senatorial Candidate Victor Watson.
Independent sources tell IPNews that diamond dealer Etraza Massary is an untouchable man within Grand Cape Mount County.
Meanwhile,Bomi County Senator Edwin Melvin Snowe, has called for an immediate investigation into current barbaric acts being perpetrated by Massary and defeated candidate former senator Victor Watson.
Senator Snowe told Spoon TV that even though he is currently out of the country into the Gambia, he has made contacts with Monrovia, including Hon. Nathaniel McGill and Police Director, Patrick Suelu to ensure there is swift investigation into the matter and bringing the situation under control.
For his part, Senator elect, Simeon Taylor, stated that there is more into the persistent attitude of Etraza Massary, without further action due to the support of some government state security particularly the National Security Agency-NSA.
Pictures available to IPNEWS from the scene shows chopping of heads and deep wounds some supporters of Simeo Taylor.
Information coming in says Justice Minister Musa Dean is calling for calm amidst heighten tebsion. Minister Dean stated  that the government is on top the matter and security forces are now persuading perpetrators of tonight’s incident in Mano River Congo. For more into this, log in to www.

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