U.S. Election: Joe Biden edges toward victory with leads over Trump in Nevada and Pennsylvania


U.S. Election: Joe Biden edges toward victory with leads over Trump in Nevada and Pennsylvania

IPNews-U.S. Election: In Arizona, Joe Biden’s lead is continuing to narrow. Trump is trailing by 39,070 votes, but isn’t quite hitting the thresholds needed to overtake his Democratic opponent.

In Nevada, Biden has gained about 2,000 votes and is leading by 22,657. Again, Trump’s chances of catching up are dimming.

In Pennsylvania, Biden is leading by 14,923 votes.

And in Georgia, Biden’s lead is wavering by a few votes up and down as officials process more ballots. Right now, he’s ahead by 4,175.

Easton, the county seat of Northampton county in eastern Pennsylvania, which Biden has won by 0.5 percentage points:

Northampton county is one of three counties in Pennsylvania that flipped over to Trump after voting twice for Obama. It’s a leafy university city where half the people (that’s not a statistically reliable estimate) seem to be from New Jersey or Brooklyn, in a county that has voted for the presidential winner almost every election since 1920, apart from three times.

Biden currently leads Trump by just over 14,500 votes and it looks almost certain that he will take Pennsylvania’s 20 college electoral votes and therefore the White House.

Nancy Amacker, 52, an activity coordinator at an elementary school, is hopeful but not taking a Biden victory for granted. “Four years ago I went to bed thinking Hillary had won. This time I’m waiting until it’s final.”

Amacker said the community has become far more divided over the past four years, with people growing less respectful and tolerant of opposing political views. “We’re definitely more polarized than before, and it’s not just about candidates, it’s about demonizing anyone who doesn’t agree with you.”

Amacker’s husband voted Republican, which she said has been “really hard”.

It’s not just American voters who are anxious about the results, according to Sidharth Vijay, 21, originally from Kerala, India, who is studying chemical engineering and math-econ at Lafayette College. “I can’t vote but this is a high stake election for the world because America dictates global policy. Four years ago I can understand that some people gave Trump the benefit of the doubt, but this time, we know that another Trump victory will lead to more polarization and misinformation, not consolidation. He’s shown his true colors in the pandemic, so that more people have voted for him this time … that’s really troubling.”

We’re expecting a batch of results from Philadelphia and Allegheny county within the hour, inshallah it will then be over.

At one point, police vehicles blasted their sirens nonstop for several minutes, a move some counter protesters claimed was an attempt to get them to disperse. Following protests over police violence this summer, the Detroit Police Department is currently under a temporary restraining order imposed by a federal judge, barring them from using certain violent tactics on protesters.

Two young Detroit residents who said they had voted for Biden had showed up to the protest, and said they were frustrated at the false claims that the election was being stolen, but hopeful that Biden would be a good president.

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