Urey Wants To Incite Violence! Vice Standard Alert


Urey Wants To Incite Violence! Vice Standard Alert

Retrospection the movie “Tine-line between love and hit” , now manifest itself within the ranks of the opposition All Liberian Party-ALP of businessman turned politician Benoni  Urey and his onetime trusted ally Alexander N. Duopu, Vice standard –ALP.

Duopu-son of late Moses Duopu stated that recent press statement issued by the National Secretary General and National Chairman of the All Liberia Party (ALP), is  not reflective of the views of the general leadership of the ALP.

“I like to make this clear that the statement is divisive and seeks to incite violence in the country that would  undermine the peace that the Liberian people currently enjoy. Mr. Urey and his cohorts need to accept that the Liberian people have spoken and that they need to respect the decision of the Liberian people as their inalienable rights provided for by the constitution of the Republic of Liberia”. Alex Duopu warns.

He said that the entire membership and Executive committee of the ALP was fully committed to the ongoing legal action as contained in the party’s formal compliant before the national elections commission but to the dismay of he and other  partisans of the ALP, all accusation leveled against the NEC of elections fraud was unfounded and that the ALP was unable to provide evidence to the claims.

“We, as a party filed a formal complaint to the National Election Commission (NEC) and was given a due process but failed to prove our allegations of frauds and election malpractice. ALP failure to provide substantive evidence, cause the party not to go any step further with her complaints”.

The ALP Vice standard bearer has also called upon all members of the ALP and peace loving people to remain calm while all election matters are been expeditiously.

“We, call on all members of the ALP and the peace loving people of Liberia to remain calm while the matter of the electoral process is being addressed through our legal process, as we all anticipate a run-off”.

Duopu further stated that the press statement issued by  Benoni Urey is divisive, reckless and irresponsible and  reiterated his fullest support of the international community including the United Sates Embassy accredited near Monrovia, the European Union, International and Local observers joint statement that results from the October 10 polls reflect the general will of the Liberian people; and statements, that the elections was credible, free, fair and transparent.

“We believe that the statements of the We therefore condemn and distance ourselves from this divisive, reckless and irresponsible press statement, which has the propensity to derail our sustained peace in Liberia and the West African region”.

It can be recalled that late Tuesday, November 21, 2017, a purported press statement was issued by Rev. David G. B. Kiamu, NATIONAL SECRETARY GENERAL and approved by the party’s National Chairman, J. S. B. Theodore Momo, and posted on various social media outlets calling for the resignation and travel prevention of current National Elections Chairman, Jerome Korkoya and others from the NEC.

The released called upon the Ministry of Justice to issue a Writ of Ne Exeat Republica – to restrain a person from leaving the country or the jurisdiction of the court; i.e., Cllr. Jerome George Kokoya, Chairman of the National Elections Commission (NEC); Sam Joe, (Family in Delaware); Boakai Fofana, (Family in Virginia) and immediate resignation of the above named individuals, who were at the forefront of the fraudulent orchestration of the National Elections via their positions within the hierarchy of the Commission.

Stating “ As the wheels of democracy continue to turn, following the first round of the Presidential and Legislative elections that were held on October 10, 2017, it is propitious for the All Liberian Party (ALP) to express the following urgent imperatives: We request a thorough investigation of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, her family members – especially Mr. Robert Allen Sirleaf, her son, and Mr. Amara Corneh, both Citizens of the United States of America, her many friends, etc, for their alleged involvement in the electoral process”.

Continuing  the release call on the Embassy of the United States of America near Monrovia, to impress upon their citizens to desist from interfering into Liberia’s electoral process.

“ As the US embassy is aware, it is a Federal offense for US citizen(s) to get directly involved in the political affairs of another country, especially criminally, during an election, because reliable sources have informed us that there appears to be certain signs of a number of foreigners ensconced in the political life of our country. As we might not have proof on other American citizens, we call upon the US Embassy, since they have already gotten involved in electoral process by issuing a statement, to furnish us with all their citizens who are already involved in the Liberian electoral process, and they must stop them, because many reliable sources have informed us that many immanent figures in the electoral process and many government officials are American citizens. Therefore, we’re asking them to send us the listing of these citizens of theirs”. The release noted.

Contending further the ALP maintained that recent comments by the US Embassy on the Liberian electoral polls were a direct intrusion in the domestic affairs of a sovereign state.

“We concur with the editorial of the Daily Observer Newspaper (Vol.17.NO218 Monday, November 19, 2017) that, “not once ever…. since the inception of this government in 2006, has any US Ambassador made such blatant intrusion into our national affairs as Christine Elder has now done. And her intrusion bears ill intent because it invokes threats of holding back future assistance and investments…”
7. Not only does the ALP view Ambassador Elder’s statement as undermining the rule of law and the Honorable Supreme Court, but it also is a diplomatic coercion on the judicial process and the right to due process under the laws of the Republic of Liberia”. The released further asserts.

Furthermore, the ALP contending that it is the strongest conviction that much of the sharp reactions coming from some of Liberia’s International Partners on account of the ongoing electoral process can be attributed to the surreptitious workings of K. Reva Levinson, President Sirleaf’s public relations agent in Washington DC.

“She has kept the corridors of the United States Congress ill-informed on matters pertaining to Liberia, always at the behest of our failed leader whose frantic efforts to stay untouched by immanent successor are at a high cost to the nation’s depleted coffers”.

The released however dispelled the growing propaganda on the high price of living on the exorbitant cost of the on-going legal battles, and to explain that with the festive season in it high moments, the scarcity of foreign exchange (US dollars) that makes it difficult for imported items that should be readily available is a more accurate cause of our hardship, and the persistent failure of the overall central Government policies.
“The ALP is fervently appealing to the understanding of the Liberian people, as our country traverses further towards enhancement and consolidation of our young democracy”. The released concludes.

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