‘Quenching Thirst’, Frm. VP Joseph Boakia consoles Taa Wongbe after Offering a Political sacrificial Lamb


‘Quenching Thirst’, Frm. VP Joseph Boakia consoles Taa Wongbe after Offering a Political sacrificial Lamb

IPNews-Monrovia: Again Ambassador Joseph Boakia, Liberia’s former Vice President to Nobel Laurent, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, has demonstrated his skills of diplomacy. Former Vice President Joseph Boakai on today met with Taa Wongbe, in a closed door meeting days after his resignation from ANC and CPP following a contested primaries held in Sanniqualle, Nimba County. A social media post from Vice President Joseph Boakai reads: ‘‘Met with my uncle Joe today…it was a very good impromptu meeting. Many people do not know that my mother is from Lofa – Vezala to be exact. It was good discussing our Lofa roots and how to Moving Liberia Forward!” It may be recalled recently there was a  show of gangsterism by supporters of both Edith Gongole-Weh and Taa Wongbe during the Collaborating Political party Primary, held in Sanniquellie, Nimba County. The engagements brought worrying signs of the CPP inability to govern Liberia in the aftermath of a George Weah government remain on the horizon, Liberians across spectrum hopes hanged in balance with the Continued infighting of the CPP. In all this, fingers are still being pointed at the All Liberian Party of former Maritime Commissioner Benion Urey of being the traitors within. Even though Urey has since denied being a confusionist within the CPP, he on the eve of the must talked about Nimba County primary, suspended the entire executive committee of the ALP comprising 20 persons. The suspension letter to the leadership stated that the suspension is due to the level of ‘poor leadership and coordination in the county leadership’. The communication also stated that they have been involved with acts that have brought the party to public disrepute. The ALP national leadership also announced that there will be a comprehensive investigative restructuring exercise that will facilitate the reconfirming of the Nimba County’s branch to the vision, loyalty and goals of party. The ALP further blamed the county leadership for poorly managing Radio Sletorwah which was established as a community radio station in the county for propagating the programs, vision, policies and aspiration of the ALP. “Unfortunately, your collective supervision and administration of the station leaves much to desire as evidenced by the fact that your leadership has failed and deliberately refused to carry out the mandate upon which the ALP established the radio station. To the contrary also, the station has been used against the party’s interest and goals,” the communication further alleged. Barely 25hrs since that violence at the Nimba County, Collaborating Political Party-CPP, primary, the Chairman of the CPP Alexander Cummings stated that the action by CPP members on Sunday, September 6, 2020 was totally unacceptable. Alexander Cummings stated that the long and difficult journey of trying to transform Liberia requires the collective efforts of all, especially members of the opposition who intends to take political power from the ruling CDC come 2023. “The situation in Nimba on Sunday, September6,2020,  was truly disheartening. “We, as the CPP, cannot claim to be different and act the same. Violence is never the solution and will not be the solution in the CPP. We cannot conduct ourselves in such a manner and expect to win the confidence of the Liberian people. We must do things differently, and as I consistently say and quote, “we can’t keep doing the same things and expect different results. What happened in Nimba reflects exactly that – doing the same old things the same old ways and expecting different results; “As Political Leader of the ANC and current Chair of the CPP, it is unacceptable to have had an executive of the ANC or any constituent party badly injured as a result of the violence. Taa Wongbe also incurred damage to his vehicle during the process, “Everyone deserved to be given a chance to participate in the primary process in a safe, free, and fair environment. That did not happen. The ANC considers the situation grave and serious, and its leadership will be meeting tomorrow to decide the way forward, after which I will also be meeting with my CPP colleagues.” ANC Political Leader & CPP Chairman stated. Surprisingly, in a late Sunday post on social media, ANC Candidate Taa Wongbe revealed that he escape an assignation plot by men believed to be loyalist to the All Liberia Party Political Leader Benoni Urey. Now Taa Wongbe has now spoken tough 72 hours following the bloody primary of the collaborating political parties in Nimba on Sunday 6 September. Mr Taa Wongbay the candidate of the ANC eyeing the senatorial seat in Nimba has expressed great disappointments in the CPP over the manner and form the process was handled. According to Mr. Wongbay, the primary was marked by fraud and irregularities something which he feels does not represent the integrity of the CPP and wonders why should the Alternative National Congress-ANC remain apart of a collaboration which is consistently being undermined by people he described as ‘inside traders’. When asked who was he refering to as elements of ‘inside trading’, Wongbe pointed figures at the ALP political leader Benion Urey. Mr. Wongbay also accused the political leader of All Liberian Party ALP Mr. Benona Wilfred Urey of bringing his hooligans from Monrovia to represent the ALP thereby extincting Nimba county officials of the party out of the process.(Investigation continues) However Wongbe insist that the ‘primary process was not fair for the fact that the names of delegates for each political party were not presented on time with the exception of the ANC that presented their delegates list a day to the election’. Speaking to IPNews following the controversial event, Mr. Taa Wongbay also accused his main challenger Madam Edith Gongelo-Weh of printing voters’ cards  that were distributed to menbers of the Liberty Party which she represents in order to undermine the process. When contacted, Madam Weh said the process was over and the primary and she could not speak during that time as the primary committee is the requisite authority to speak on the matter. During the same period, Mr. Wongbe called on his supporters to remain peaceful adding that his face will surely appear on the ballot paper comes December 8, 2020. In a very angry tune the businessman turned politician Taa Wongbe turns the CPP as disgruntled people and expressed sadness. According to him, he will ensure that the primary is reconducted to ensure a successful democracy in the county. As the confusion continued, the Alternative National Congress political leader and head of the collaborating political parties, Alexander Benedict Cummings rejected the violence melted against Taa Wongbe. Cummings in a press release also rejected the results of the primary and therefore called for a possible rerun of the process under a peaceful atmosphere.

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