In Bong Senatorial race: Nasser Gains Momentum Ahead of Mid-term 2020 Election


In Bong Senatorial race: Nasser Gains Momentum Ahead of Mid-term 2020 Election

Nasser Gains Momentum Ahead of 2020 As Thousands Petition him
It was a wide-ranging political tsunami in Kpaii Administrative District’s capital (Palala) on Friday August 21, 2020, when thousands of citizens congregated to petition a former Youth Leader Mr.
Kermue Mohammed Nasser.
Mr. Nasser had earlier served as President of the Federation for Liberian Youth (FLY) and is currently the Technical Team Manager at the Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment (LACE)
The well-attended program was dignified by traditional leaders of the District (Kpaii) as well as some illustrious citizens of Kokoyah Statutory District.
Reading the Petition, a son of the District; Anthony Suah said Mr. Nasser has over the past been betrothed with youth enablement across Liberia which has made youths to become self-determining.
” We the citizens and residents of Kokoyah statutory District met in an open assembly and had a lengthy discussion, and evaluated the development paths and other political qualification of many would-be aspirants of Bong County in which are proven by tangible impacts not only on the youths but Bong as a whole that you. Mr. Kermue Mohammed Nasser is the only person who will help us here in this County upon your election” Anthony said during the reading of the petition.
According to the petition statement, the citizens’ decision to endorse Mr. Nasser for the upcoming senatorial election in Bong County derived from series of consultations made by them.
Our Correspondent quotes the endorsement statement as saying, citizens of the area have built confidence and trust in the Bong County Son as people centered leader and emphasized the need for him to be given the chance to serve the County at the level of the Liberian Senate.
The citizens at the same time lauded Mr. Kermue Mohammed Nasser for his outstanding and humanitarian roles in the life of citizens and the development of Bong County.
The Kpaii citizens said it is based on the goodwill of Mr. Nasser that encouraged them to petition him for the 2020 Senatorial election.
Accepting the petition, Mr. Nasser declared himself as an unbending force in the upcoming senatorial elections in Liberia.
He said the fight for improved Leadership cannot be done alone but with the support of all the citizens.
The youthful Senatorial Aspirant stressed the need for Bong County development; encouraging the citizens to give him all their supports for the benefit of the County’s citizens.
According to him, the problem of Bong is not President George Manneh Weah but the Lawmakers of the County who have over the past allegedly taken everything to be theirs and left the less -fortunate out of the process.
“All those greedy Lawmakers are the problem, not the President. But I want to say thank you for petitioning me today and with your support, we can make Bong County the way we want it to be” he adds.
Our Correspondent says Mr. Nasser gained the respects of the gathering when he made it clear that money for the project he has been working on through which some citizens have been able to sustain themselves is not from his pocket but from the World Bank through the Liberian government.
The Government of Liberia, with support from the World Bank, is implementing the Youth Opportunities Project (YOP).
The project development objective is to improve access to income generation opportunities for targeted youth and strengthen the Government’s capacity to implement its cash transfer program.

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