Bea Mountain Assures Minister Of More Liberians Employment Soon

Business News

Bea Mountain Assures Minister Of More Liberians Employment Soon

IPNEWS: Liberia-Bea Mountain Mining Company Operations Manager, Engin Turham has lauded the Government and Labor Minister Cllr. Cooper Kruah for the visit to his operations areas and assured the

Labor Ministry of BMMC’s plans to employ many Liberians.  He said, the company has plans to employ additional Liberians as the company expands its operations soon. This will further help the Government’s economic stimulus program.

The disclosure was made following the end of an inspection tour in the Western Region.  Mr. Turham also assured the minister and team of addressing the concerns of workers

The tour by the Minister and delegation is the first leg of the Minister’s nationwide assessment of labor sector of the country since his ascendancy to the position as the Labor Minister.  The visit also took the team to Western Cluster Company in Bomi County.

The two concession conglomerates, Minister Kruah and team held separate discussions with top management teams, as well as workers to understand some of the problems. The minister said he was committed to lighting Government’s fullest commitment to protect industrial environment and the need for the employment of more Liberian staff and elevation to top managerial positions, in a bid to create economic stimulus for them.

Minister Kruah expressed serious consternation at Bea Mountain Mining Company over earlier media reports of a Turkish expatriate staff serving as fuel pump attendant; a position which Liberians are overly capable of occupying. However, it  the reports were based on a situation at the company, years ago when it first commenced operations, but has since been resolved with a Liberian taking up the position.

After meeting with the local workers, the minister urged BMMC management to look at the concerns of the workers. In response to these concerns, Bea Mountain Mining Company Operations Manager, Turham lauded Minister Kruah for the site seeing visit and assured the Labor Ministry Team of his management’s commitment to take remedial actions in addressing the workers concerns.

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