Gov’t Makes Strive in Health Sector

Diaspora News

Gov’t Makes Strive in Health Sector

….As partners Handover eIDSR to Government 

By Taisiah Merfee

IPNEWS: The United States Agency for international development (USAID) and the International Rescue Committee (IRC) on Wednesday September 18, 2024 formerly transferred the electronic integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (eIDSR) system to the government of Liberia.

The electronic system is designed to significantly improve public health Surveillance by enhancing real time case notification and data flow across all levels of the human and Animals health systems.

Speaking at the turning over ceremony at the Ministry of health in Congo Town, National Health Institute of Liberia Director General said the eIDSR is geared towards early detection, notification and reporting of priority disease health issues and effective, timely response to disease potential outbreaks and other health emergencies.

Dr. Dugbah Chris Nyan said it was successfully piloted in Grand Kru,and River Cess counties, demonstrating its user -friendliness and effectiveness in real-time reporting.

He said the technical working group (TWG) of eIDSR, chaired by NPHIL and co-chair by Ministry of health, (MOH) with the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) as a member has been instrumental in this project.

The NPHIL DG added that the TWG with technical and financial support from USAID , The World Bank, Regional Disease Surveillance systems Enhancement (REDISSE) , the US Center for Disease Control and Protection, the World health organization, the international Rescue Committee and other stakeholders has successfully Guided the development and testing of the system.

He said the infrastructural development of the system marks a significant milestone in Liberia efforts to enhance its public health Surveillance and Response capabilities.

At the same time the assistant Minister of health for vital Statistic said as Ministry that are happy about, he projects that had been turn over to the government of Liberia by the international partners and they are going to used it for the so purpose.

According to Assistant Minister Anthony Fortun government of Liberia is excited with such news and they are going to see how best to protect and make it be one of the best project that will help the people of Liberia in the area of health.

The Program brought together Members of the International community, US-CDC USAID among others.


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