Spy Within! Gov’t Prosecute Employee Over Leak of Sensitive Document

Crime Watch

Spy Within! Gov’t Prosecute Employee Over Leak of Sensitive Document

IPNEWS: The Ministry of Justice officials say it is currently investigating over a leaked of several sensitive document to the spoon Network, owned and operated by Stanto Witherspon.

According to a statement by the Liberia National Police, some sensitive security information was sold to Spoon FM for US$ 100.00 in contravention of the national security Act of Liberia.

Sawah Eric Zeaon, an employee of the Ministry of Justice, has been sent to court following police preliminary investigation.

Defendant Sawah Eric Zeon, a filing clerk in the office of the Minister of justice, Oswald Tweh was charged for the alleged crime of mishandling sensitive information and unlawful disclosure of confidential information.

According to the Liberia national police investigation, defendant Zeon on September 5, 2024, screamed and shot the document already reviewed and approved by Minister Tweh.

The Police maintained that the ministry after some high-level security meeting, the audios and transcript are placed in the hand of the minister of justice filed clerks’ hands for proper documentation.

LNP charge however revealed that defendant Zeaon’s crimes violate chapters 11 and 12 respectively, sections 11.9 and 12.71 of the revised Penal Law of Liberia.

Meanwhile, Defendant Zeon was released on a bill by his lawyer until the case can commence.

Late December 2023, the House of Representatives investigated how former President George Weah’s asset declaration documents were leaked to the very Spoon FM.

Liberia requires all senior government officials, including presidents, to declare their wealth upon taking office before the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission or LACC to avoid conflicts of interest and illicit wealth accumulation. But these declarations are not required to be made public.

Representative Frank Saah Foko urged the House to conduct a probe into the leak, saying that publishing Weah’s asset declaration documents without his consent is illegal.

It remains unclear who is behind the leak but legislators have summoned senior LACC officials to appear before them on Tuesday.

The former president’s time in office was plagued with accusations of corruption.

His successor President Joseph Boakai who won the November election, declared his assets in February, vowing to fight corruption.

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