NPHIL DG Encourages Gov’t to Invest in Science &Technology

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NPHIL DG Encourages Gov’t to Invest in Science &Technology

—-As Dr. Conteh Assures Law School: “No One Will Be Left Behind”

By Taisiah K. Merfee

IPNEWS: The Director General of the National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL) had called on government to invest more in the area of science Technology in other reach the stander of other African countries in the sub-region.

Serving as keynote speaker for the 104 graduating Class of the University of Liberia, Biomedical Scientist and Inventor, Dr. Dougbeh Chris Nyan, M.D., Director-General of the National Public Health Institute of Liberia-NPHIL, said if Liberia must develop in the area of science and technology which remain serious to national development and recovery.

Commencement Convocation Speaker said if you check around the world and see all of the beautiful buildings and equipment through science, engineering, and Agriculture that people were able to do them.

Dr. Nyan said government should and place their attention on Agriculture which have the capacity to employ more citizens throughout the Country and make Liberia to be self-sufficient.

He added that Liberia is at a cross road in the area of science Technology which National government need to take charge of these area by investing more money to these sectors by doing that Liberia will be on path with others County in west Africa.

The College of Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, and the Sinje Technical College and College of Engineering graduated 887 students in various discipline.

The Commencement Convocation Speaker furthermore calls on the graduates not to see the Degree as the end to their learning but to seek higher education in other to get themselves equip for the job markets.

Meanwhile the Acting President, of the University of Liberia Prof. Dr. Al-Hassan Conteh the104th Commencement Convocation of the William R. Tolbert College of College of Agriculture & Forestry, The TJR Faulkner College of Science, the College of Engineering, and the Straz Vocational College, Sinje University Campus, Fendall, Louisiana (September 17, 2024) is a testament to what the University stand for in the area of quality Education.

Dr. Conteh disclosed that the University of Liberia on Monday, September 16, 2024, signed an MoU with the African Renaissance Institute of Science and Technology (ARIST), which Prof. Soboyejo, and other Diaspora and Regional Scientists have put together to support the development of materials engineering , science and technology in Africa.

“Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, Families and Friends, today, we graduate 417 candidates from the Thomas J. R. Faulkner College of Science, Technology, Environment, and Climate Change, 292 from the William R. Tolbert, Jr., College of Agriculture and Forestry, 137 from the College of Engineering, and 32 from the David A. Straz-Sinje Technical and Vocational College. We are proud of all 878 of our candidates for graduation out of the halls of the great Lux in Tenebris. I want to announce an Integrated Opportunities Deployment Exercise (IODS) for our graduates”

“The acting head of the University of Liberia said the program will vouch for and recommend highly qualified scientists, agriculturists, and engineers who are prepared to contribute their quota to development nationally and internationally. Following this Convocation, we will put in place a plan to recommend them for absorption in the national, regional (especially ECOWAS), and international markets.”

“We will recommend a few of them who qualify to pursue their terminal degrees in various scientific disciplines to address future looming threats of _ and parasitic diseases, ensure food security, reduce multidimensional poverty, and achieve other targets of the Substantial development goals as aligned with the Government of Liberia ARREST Agenda for Inclusive Development (AAID)”. Dr. Conteh stated.

He added that the bold deployment initiative I am announcing today is part of the mandate entrusted to us by the Visitor of the University to ensure that none of our qualified graduates are left behind, encourage all department Chairs, Deans, and Vice Presidents to actively participate in this deployment process by seeking opportunities for our graduates and placing them in the job market.

Dr. Conteh narrated that A similar strategy will be utilized for our lawyers, medical doctors, and pharmacists and will be presented to the Republic shortly. Many thanks again to Dr. Agnes Reeves Taylor, other members of the UL Cabinet, the Faculty Senate, the UL Administrative Council, the 104th Commencement Convocation Committee, and all who combined their efforts to make this day a success.

In a related development, the Acting President of the University of Liberia (UL) Dr. Al-Hassan Conteh has assured candidates from the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law that nothing will stop their graduation exercise as part of the UL 104th Commencement Convocation.

The Acting UL President gave the assurance during a remark on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, in Fendall, while addressing graduates at the ongoing week-long graduation exercises.

The Acting President’s statement allayed fears among prospective Law School graduates after a local newspaper reported that graduation at the Law School was in limbo.

Dr. Conteh evoked the famous quote, “No one will be left behind,” which is often associated with the US Army in warfare to underscore the undeniable fact that “no law school student who has met the requirements for graduation would be denied graduation” due to an ongoing pay dispute with part-timers at the Law School.

Dr. Conteh’s assurance was contained in his special greetings delivered on Day Two of the 104th Commencement Convocation.

“And true to this maxim, let me assure the faculty, dean, and candidates for degrees at the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law, that the issues currently bedeviling the School will be fully resolved and no candidate who has met all of the requirements for graduation will be left behind in this 104thConvocation of the University of Liberia,” said Dr. Conteh.

The UL Acting President added that he is seized of the matter, and has met with the Dean of the Law School, and the Leadership of the Law School Student Association (LAWSA) and has briefed the UL Board of Trustees.

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