LIBERIA: Gov’t Begins Blocking Ghost Civil Servants

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LIBERIA: Gov’t Begins Blocking Ghost Civil Servants

IPNEWS: The government says it has commenced the blocking and investigation of some 6383 ghost names found to be receiving monthly government payments through its Bank transfers system designed to ease Employees’ salaries without being actual employees of government Ministries and Agencies.

Addressing the MICAT Press briefing Thursday, September 5, 2024, Civil Service Agency (CSA) Director-General Joesiah Joekai, stated that those 6,383 ghost names were being paid a mouthwatering 36.9 million Liberian Dollars and 570 United States dollars monthly through mobile money to people who- over the last 90days have FAILED to show up and prove that they are Civil Servants. T

“These payments will be blocked until they can show up or they will be removed from the payroll. 220 transactions, totaling 1.3M and 27 thousand USD paid through mobile money to people whose name on the payroll are different from the name of the mobile money accounts receiving the money.”

“ How can a government invest in areas that create private sector jobs when we are wasting money on ghost employees, fraudulent payroll,  and other things like unnecessary expensive luxury cars and travels? CSA Director General Joekai wonders.

Last week, the Liberian government, through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) and the Civil Service Agency (CSA), has temporarily suspended 6,387 individuals from the national payroll.

This suspension results from their failure to comply with mandatory payroll verification processes, including the General Auditing Commission (GAC) Payroll Compliance Audit conducted in 2021 and a subsequent 90-day post-audit verification.

According to the announcement dated August 29, 2024, the suspension will take effect from Monday, September 2, 2024, and will remain in place until November 4, 2024. During this time, the government will conduct a thorough two-month verification exercise to determine the employment status of those affected.

The CSA and MFDP have expressed concerns over the previous administration’s mismanagement of the payroll system, which they accuse of allowing fictitious names to be included on the payroll, resulting in substantial financial losses for the government.

Officials from the CSA and MFDP assert that these financial losses have severely impacted the government’s ability to fund essential services in critical sectors such as health, education, security, and infrastructure.

The current administration has taken this decisive action following recommendations from the Auditor-General, who urged the Office of the Comptroller and Accountant-General to halt the salaries of the unverified employees.

The CSA and MFDP have criticized the previous administration for ignoring these recommendations, which they say has led to significant financial damage and compromised the integrity of the national payroll.

The CSA and MFDP have reiterated their commitment to ensuring that only verified civil servants remain on the government payroll, emphasizing the importance of accountability and merit-based recruitment in the public sector.

This suspension, they say, is part of broader reforms aimed at restoring trust in the Civil Service by removing individuals who have exploited the system and ensuring that deserving Liberians are given opportunities to serve their country.

The government has also assured the public of its ongoing commitment to eliminating waste and preventing abuse within its ranks. The CSA and MFDP are urging all suspended individuals to participate in the verification process to clarify their employment status and ensure the integrity of the national payroll system.

This latest move is seen as a critical step towards strengthening the Civil Service and improving the management of public resources in Liberia.

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