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Pres. Boakia Mandates Investigation into Extravagate Salaries Amidst Uncertainties of 6K Blocked Civil Servants

IPNEWS: Rumble disenchant continues following revelation that new members of the Liberia Telecommunication Authority as withholding a mouthwatering 15, 000 monthly for individual salary and personnel allowances President Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr has mandated the Bureau of States Own Enterprises to investigate reports of huge salaries accrued by some officials of government at SOE.

It has been alleged that Commissioners at the Liberia Telecommunications Authority are making over US $ 15,000 as monthly salary and allowances.

The Bureau of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) in Liberia is responsible for overseeing and managing the operations of state-owned enterprises in the country.

The disclosure was made by Deputy Information Minister Daniel Sando during MICAT Press briefing on Tuesday.

This week uneasiness spread across the city after it was revealed that Commissioners of the Liberia Telecommunication Authority (LTA) were in an apprehend trouble after a leaked information concerning their take home salary and allowances said to be $15,000 per person appeared on social media.

Acting Commissioner Clarence Massaquoi swiftly fought back with clarification, yet the alert continues.

The alarming information that such a huge sum of money being paid to each member of the LTA in a biting economy where the government is struggling to cater to major priority areas has been received with disappointment by the public and regarded in some quarters as a misplacement and miscarriage of the Rescue Agenda on which the government came to power.

Many on social media contested the information emanating from the LTA with each of the acting commissioners is receiving a salary of $7,861 for transportation, $1500 for housing allowance, $1,200 for generator gasoline, $3,622 for operational gasoline, $966 for communication and $300 for scratch card.

However, speaking on OK FM morning show, Acting LTA Commissioner Clearance Massaquoi Monday stated that the Commission would officially respond to such information, but at the same time said such a piece of information hurts and character assassinating.

Massaquoi, a former Lofa County District three who strongly supported the Rescue Mission, said the entity operates on departments’ basis.

According to him, upon taking over the LTA as acting commissioners, they have been focused on gathering the facts before coming out to the public to provide factual information, adding that such information to the public concerning their benefits is untrue.

“No one will use the LTA to bring the government’s image to public disrepute,” he said, in an attempt to demystify the troubling report of salary and benefits bonanza.

He pledged as Acting Chairman of the LTA, to do all in his power to provide the rightful information to the public about such misinformation.

Massaquoi also promised to make their salaries and benefits available to the public very soon for the sake of transparency and accountability.

Last week, the government announced the blocking of some 6,383 civil servants for what the government termed as ghost names who had caused government losses of at least 12 million monthly.

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