Justice Ministry Commissions Police Policy Management Board

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Justice Ministry Commissions Police Policy Management Board

IPNEWS: As part of its statutory responsibilities, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Cllr. N. Oswald Tweh has commissioned the Police Policy Management Board.

The program took place on Thursday, August 29, 2024, at the Ministry of Justice. The purpose of the Police Policy Management Board Regulations is to establish rules of operation and internal organization.

It serves as the Review Board for the further development of applicable legal provisions setting forth its organizational structure; the tenure of its members; the duties of its officers; the rules for its meetings; the rules of behavior to be observed by its members; and how complaints against a police officer, civilian personnel, and the Liberia National Police are received, processed, investigated, determined, and feedback is relayed to the complainants.

Complaints against a police officer, civilian personnel, and the Liberia National Police are received, processed, investigated, and determined, and feedback is relayed to the complainant.

In fulfillment of these regulations, the Minister commissioned the board, admonishing the chairman and members of the importance of ensuring due diligence in applying their assigned duties through responsive leadership to members of the Liberia National Police.

He cautioned the board to ensure that members of Liberia’s Police Force conduct themselves with the utmost professionalism and that they follow the laws to the letter during investigations, arrests, and enforcement.

The Attorney General also expressed confidence in the professional expertise of each member of the board and felt assured that they would not betray the confidence placed in them by the Minister of Justice.

The institutions represented on the board include the Liberia National Police – a Statutory Member, the Ministry of Justice – a Statutory Member, the Liberia Institute of Public Administration – a Member, the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning – a Member, and the Civil Service Agency – Member.

Officials representing the ministries and agencies are William K. Mulbah – Deputy Inspector General for Administration – LNP – Chairman, Sadatu L. Reeves – Deputy Director General for Training and Manpower Development – LNP – Vice-Chair, Prince Davies – Commissioner for Operations – LNP – Member, and Cllr. Augustine C. Fiyah – Solicitor General – Ministry of Justice – Member.

This also includes Nee-Alah T. Varplah – Director General – Liberia Institute of Public Administration – Member, Bill McGill Jones – Deputy Minister for Administration – Ministry of Finance and Development Planning – Member, and Darlington A.P. Smith – Deputy Director General – Human Resource and Manpower Development – Civil Service Agency – Member.

In keeping with the Police Act and Administrative Regulations, the Police Policy Management Board is responsible for proposing regulations and administrative instructions for the effective and efficient training, management, operation, and welfare of the Liberian Police Force.

The law speaks to overseeing the appointment and promotion of all commissioned officers, addressing grievances arising from members of the Police Force and civilian personnel, and managing internal grievances.

It also mandates monitoring and reviewing police conduct as well as ensuring that members of the police force understand their roles as law enforcers.

The Minister indicated that “if the board performs its duties efficiently, then the Liberia Police Force can be seen as a force for good and not one that abuses its authority.”

The Chairman of the newly commissioned Police Policy Management Board, William K. Mulbah – Deputy Inspector General for Administration, Liberia National Police, thanked the Minister of Justice on behalf of the board members and assured the Minister that the board will uphold the confidence placed in it.

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