CARI Administration Clarifies Allegations of Witch-hunts and Planned Dismissals of Certain Groups

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CARI Administration Clarifies Allegations of Witch-hunts and Planned Dismissals of Certain Groups

IPNEWS: Under the leadership of Dr. Arthur Bob Karnuah, the newly inducted Director General, the Central Agricultural Research Institute (CARI) refutes allegation of witch-hunt and plan to dismiss a group of people from its workforce.

This buttresses his assurance of the workers during his first general staff meeting on August 20, 2024 where he said: “I did not come to this position to witch-hunt anybody because this is the big news in town. So, I am making this very clear.”

CARI’s refutation of this allegation follows the dissemination online of an article dubbed: “Dark Cloud Hangs over CARI Employees in Bong” few days ago. It terms the writing as a spread of falsehood and misinformation meant to incite workers and ultimately derail the growing harmony in the workplace. Prior to this allegation, CARI stresses that the former Acting Director General Paulette Findley and the current Director General Dr. Karnuah have worked for it as professional colleagues, and had a cordial working relationship.

The Institute wishes to mention that the disinformation is being spread by a few people who want to buy public sentiment, smear it, and to undermine ongoing scientific research geared at ensuring food security in the Country.

According to CARI, its workers see new Director General Karnuah as rescuer and conduit of the rebirth of the Institute to the extent that it becomes the center of excellence it once was.

CARI entreats all employees to perform their duties diligently and eschew acts that contravene the Standard Operation Procedures of the Civil Service Agency.

The Research Institute recounts that it achieved little because of the challenges it was confronted with. Among them were disharmony and disorderliness in the workplace as well as absenteeism.

 CARI is pleased with the reform Director General Karnuah is doing including promoting staff based on merit, ensuring fiscal discipline, and human resource capacity development, rehabilitation of damaged infrastructure, guaranteeing workers protection and effecting increment in salaries that were severely harmonized. Therefore, it is calling on the public including the media to visit to see for themselves the positive work being done.

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