Koijee Wants Charloe Musu Murder Case Reopen Amidst Indictment Fear

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Koijee Wants Charloe Musu Murder Case Reopen Amidst Indictment Fear

—Vows To Resist CDC Planned Eviction

IPNEWS: Over fear of a possible indictment as reported by the authoritative Independent Probe Newspaper over the weekend, the Secretary General of the Congress for Democratic Change, Jefferson Koijee, says he has nothing to fear and calls on the Unity Party regime to reopen the murder case of the late Charloe Musu to ensure justice is served.

Speaking on the weekend edition of Closing Argument, Koijee expressed his dissatisfaction with the current state of the case, despite the recent Supreme Court ruling that acquitted Cllr. Gloria Musu Scott, former Chief Justice and three other relatives.

Koiejje reiterated his stands for the government to utilize all available resources, including bringing in a lie detector from the United States, to aid in the investigation process, stressing that the real murderer must be brought to book.

“The government owes it to the people of Liberia and to the family of Charloe Musu to ensure that justice is not only done but seen to a logical conclusion into circumstances which led to the death of little Charloe Musus.” Jefferson Koijee stated.

On the implications of his involvement, the former Monrovia City Mayor said allegations made by former Truth and Reconciliation Commission Chairperson, Cllr. Jerome Verdier, were false and misleading and challenged Cllr. Verdier and others to come forth with the evidence.

Touching on a planned eviction of the CDC from its current location, the CDC Secretary General accused the Unity Party of being the mastermind of the panned political eviction and vowed to serious resistance if the matter between two families for the contested property was politicized.

“We are watching the ongoing plans for possible eviction of the CDC from its current headquarters. Let me warn both the Boakai government and some member of the property that we as a party are watching ever moves and any attempt to politicized this matter without the proper legal proceedings, the CDC will resist. This is a political party and we will approach it politically if some of the family members decided to politicized this matter.”

“As a government, we allow the legal process to ensued between the families without politicizing the matter, unfortunately, the Unity Party who has just come to power is seeking ways to undermine the CDC by supporting and encouraging some members of the contested property to evict the party without a joint agreement by the family. This will not work and we stand ready for this. The CDC will give the UP what they’re looking for!” Koijee told the Closing argument.

Over the weekend, several sources hinted to the authoritative Independent Probe Newspaper, that former Monrovia City Mayor, and current Secretary General of the opposition Congress for Democratic Change (CDC), Jefferson Koijee, and former security chief, Varlee Telleh, are poised for a formal indictment as this week.

According to highly placed sources, members of the Musu Family and the government prosecutors were currently holding series of meetings aimed at drawing up a formal indictment for both Koijee and Telleh.

Last week, the family of deceased Charloe Musu vowed to pursue the murder of their daughter to all logical conclusion following the release from jail former Chief Justice, and three other family members.

Meanwhile, prime suspect, Varlee Telleh, has reportedly fled to neighboring Guinea after reports emerged late Friday of his imminent indictment. IPNEWS could not independently verify this report as all mobile phone numbers provided for Telleh were said to be switched off.

It may be recalled, U.S.-sanctioned former Monrovia Mayor Jefferson Koijee admitted at court hearing over the brutal murder of Charloe Musu, that he has a working relationship with Varlee Telleh.

Koijee admittance followed accusation by Liberia’s former Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) boss Cllr. Jerome Verdier that Koijee allegedly ordered then Monrovia City Police official Telleh to carry out the attack that led to Charloe’s murder. Both Koijee and Telleh have since denied the allegation that they were responsible for the attack on Liberia’s former Chief Justice Cllr. Gloria Musu Scott’s Brewerville residence where Charloe was murdered.

Last Wednesday, August 28, 2024, the Honorable Supreme Court of Liberia, set former Chief Justice Scott released from jail where she has been serving a life sentence for the death of her foster daughter at the justice’s home. The Liberian Supreme Court overturned the life sentence on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, because of insufficient evidence to link Justice Scott and her relatives to the crime. In an exclusive interview with VOA, Justice Musu Scott says she will use her experience in jail to fight for prison and judicial reforms, including a code of conduct, with penalties, for police and prosecutors.

Former Justice Scott told reporters minutes after her released alongside three other co-defendants that while she’s happy for her freedom, she is also sad that the killer of her niece is still out there. She told the VOA that the Scott’s family will make formal request to the government of Liberia, especially the Executive with the statutory mandate to ensure the matter is formally prosecuted in keeping with law.

At the regular MICAT Press briefing Thursday, August 29, a day after the release of former Justice Scott, the Liberian government officially vowed that it would give the late Charlotte Musu justice despite the release of Gloria Scott from prison. Information Minister Jerolinmek  M. Piah, stated that the government of Liberia will pursue the case and bring the perpetrators to justice.

This latest decision by the government followed Wednesday, August 28, 2024 ruling from the supreme Court of overturning a lower court guilty verdict and acquitted former chief justice Gloria Musu Scott and three of her relatives,

Speaking Thursday in Monrovia, Information Minister Jerolinmek Piah said the government will pursue the murder case of the late Charlotte Musu and bring to justice the perpetrators to avoid the culture of impunity.

Minister Piah further maintained that Charlotte Musu Scott was a citizen whose death should claim the attention of every citizen, noting that politicizing such a case is wrong.

It can be recalled that the supreme court of Liberia on August 28, 2024 set former chief justice Gloria Musu Scott and three relatives free for what the highest court termed as falsely accused.

A day after the release of former Justice Scott, the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) through its Secretary General, Jefferson Koijee, succumbed to Supreme Court’s ruling, which acquitted Cllr. Gloria Musu Scott and others in the death case of Charloe Musu but criticizes Stanton Witherspoon for “politicizing” the case

Chief Justice Sie-A-Nyene-Yuoh said in the opinion of the high court, the prosecution lawyers failed to present circumstantial evidence linking Cllr. Scott and her co-defendants to the death of Miss Musu, niece to the acquitted former Chief Justice.

Making an official position on the CDC regarding in response to the high court’s final ruling, Koijee states that the party being a “custodian of peace” in the country, is not a legal institution to challenge the court’s ruling.

According to him, Mr. Witherspoon allegedly mixed politics with a legal matter that involved the life of a promising young lady and used his media platform to spew falsehood, disinformation and misinformation to the public.

He noted that the wrath of God will visit Mr. Witherspoon and his children for allegedly telling lies that he, Koijee, is truly associated with the death of Charloe Musu.

In a sharp response via his official Facebook Page a few minutes after the press conference, Mr. Stanton Witherspoon questioned the moral standing of Mr. Koijee to serve in the capacity of Secretary General of the Congress for Democratic Change.

Koijee and one of his aids, identified as Varlee Telleh had being a center of accusation by former TRC Chair of being the masterminds of the death of Charloe Musu.

At a court hearing in December 2023, former Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Koijee, who is also Secretary General of the ruling CDC party, fumbled over the issue of phone in a dramatic testimony in the Charloe Musu’s murder trial at the Criminal Court “A”.

Appearing before the Judge of the Court on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, less than a week after he was placed on sanction by the US government for alleged human rights abuse and corruption, Myaor Koijee found it difficult to answer a question regarding the inactiveness of one of his Orange GSM telephone numbers, the subject of his testimony.

Koijee is accused of being a mediator between himself, Varlee Telleh and Moses Wright, the private security assigned at former Chief Justice Gloria Musu Scott’s home prior to Charloe’s death, on February 22,2023.

The Monrovia City Mayor admitted that he was the owner of the Orange GSM number: (0776-407-969) in his testimony at the murder trial for the daughter of former Chief Justice Gloria Musu Scott,

It was based on the accusation that he was subpoena to appear and testify on the number 0776-407-969, which initially, the defense lawyers said was the medium of communication between Koijee and his co-conspirator, (Telleh and Wright). Koijee also testified on the relationship between him and Mohammed Keita believe to be his strongest ally, when the murder was committed.

Koijee himself admitted to being the owner of the number during his testimony. He claimed to have used it to communicate with various individuals, including his chief of patrol, Varlee Telleh. Koijee also stated that he did not know about the incident that led to Charloe Musu’s death and denied any connection to Mohammed Keita, who is believed to be involved in the case. The trial continues with further testimony from subpoenaed witnesses.

But one issue that came up in the trial is the Orange GSM Company testimony, where they said the phone number 0776-407-969 in question is not active, or is blocked.

The company told the jury (before Koijee appeared in the courtroom) that the number is registered in Koijee’s name, but it is unused and is not active. When Koijee was asked if he knew that the number is inactive, he could not deny or admit.

Mr. Koijee later testified before the jury that it was his testimony and appearance before the Liberian National Police that led to the indictment of Cllr. Scott, Rebecca Youdeh, Alice Johnson and Gertrude Newton of murder and raising false alarms to law enforcement officers.

The now US-sanctioned CDC Secretary General Koijee then said he gave his official number: 0779229900 to the Minister of Justice and not 0776407969, which was presented to the police. Koijee, although he has a working relationship with Varlee Telleh, however, he doesn’t know from which perspective the defense intends to know the level of communication between them.

According to Koijee, Telleh who works at the Monrovia City Corporation, has never met Mohammed Keita before, and his call logs were made available to the Ministry of Justice which are available for verification. He said never has he known or interacted with Cllr. Scott or family has no ihe incident that occurred on February 22, leading to the death of the late Charlie.

Nevertheless, he acknowledged knowing Varlee Telleh who is accordingly a patrolman of the Monrovia City Police but maintained that he has no ambiguous dealing with Telleh, as discerned by the defense.

Therefore, the Monrovia City Mayor further suggested that the GSM Company would be the best to find all details regarding his interactions with whosoever, from the time mentioned. Koijee also confirmed 0776407969 0779229900 as his two active numbers, one was which was given to the police through the Ministry of Justice.

Mayor Koijeesaid: “Let the defense counsel note that the numbers I called are my numbers being used and another was sent to the Ministry of Justice to also investigate said matter.”

Defense Lawyers however, argued that one of the numbers, (0776407969) which was also presented to the police was not in active use, as indicated by Orange GSM Company. Koijee then said he gave his official number: 0779229900 to the Minister of Justice and not 0776407969, which was presented to the Police.

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