Liberia: Weah’s Church Bank Account Goes Bleeding


Liberia: Weah’s Church Bank Account Goes Bleeding

—–As Pastor Languish In Jail

IPNEWS: The famous Forky Klon Jlaleh Family Fellowship Church, of former Liberian President Goerge Manneh Weah is said to be in an internal confusion after executives of the church including Elders and Junior Pastors alarmed over the disappearance of money from the Church’s Bank account.

According to a member of Forky Klon Jlaleh Family Fellowship Church who confided in the authoritative Independent Probe Newspaper, the discovery followed a week after police arrested its Senior Pastor, Rev. Emmanuel Nimely, for defrauding at least 90 persons out of $87,300 under the pretense of facilitating their travel to Australia. Strangely since news of the scandal broke, neither the office of former President George Weah nor his Forkay Klon Church has issued a statement.

The source told IPNEWS that preliminary investigation into the discovery of the missing monies from the Church’s Bank account followed days after the departure of former President Goerge Weah to the Republic of Ghana immediately the inauguration of President Joseph Boakai.

An amount of 112,000 United States dollars is said to have disappeared from the church’s account at a local Bank (named withheld).

This according to sources, the matter prompted an internal investigation linking the embattled Senior Pastor, and former Religious Advisor, Emmanuel Nimely to the crime.

Already in jail for defrauding, former President Weah is said to have mandated the immediate resignation of Rev. Nimely for his alleged role in the disappearance of the Church funds.

Sources tell IPNEWS that upon being approach for his resignation, Rev. Emmanaul Nimely allegedly refused any resignation on grounds that he owns the Church. IPNEWS is making frantic efforts in reaching Rev. Nimely for his response, as our reporter was denied access to speak with Rev. Nimely at the Monrovia Central Prison where he is currently remanded after his lawyers failed to secure a valid criminal bond for his temporary release.

Sources tell IPNEWS that Forky Klon Jlaleh Family Fellowship Church, was previously known as Global Spiritual Cleansing Peace and Reconciliation Organization, founded by Rev. Emmanuel Nimely.

In June 2024, Rev. Emmanuel Nimely, the 58-year-old religious advisor and pastor to Liberia’s former President George Weah, confessed to defrauding 90 people out of $87,300 under the pretense of facilitating their travel to Australia.

Nimely, who served as the religious advisor to former President Weah from 2016 to 2018, is currently the senior pastor of Weah’s Forkay Klon Church. Following his confession to the police, he was charged with theft of property and forwarded to court on Friday for prosecution.

At the Monrovia City Court, the defendant’s lawyer failed to secure a valid criminal bond for his temporary release. As a result, Nimely was ordered incarcerated at the Monrovia Central Prison, where he will remain until the appropriate bond is filed.

Court records obtained by FrontPage Africa reveal that Nimely allegedly committed the crimes in the ABC Community, Baptist Seminary in Paynesville between August 6, 2023, and December 2023. One of the victims, H. Momo Fortune, Jr., reported that he met Nimely on August 6, 2023. Nimely introduced himself as the pastor of Forkay Klon Church and the founder of the “Global Spiritual Cleansing Peace and Reconciliation Organization.”

During their meeting, Nimely deceitfully informed Fortune about a program called the “Healing Broken Hearts of Australia Reconciliation Conference and Crusade” and collected $3,500 from him under the pretense of providing an Australian visa for the conference. Fortune further reported that Nimely collected $970 each from over 80 people under the same pretense.

Nimely admitted to the allegations and explained that he had collected $970 per person as visa processing fees for the Australian conference. He confessed that, due to the failure to issue the visas and the inability to refund the money, the victims contacted the police, leading to his arrest and investigation.

The police investigation revealed that the Global Spiritual Cleansing Peace & Reconciliation Organization, established by Nimely, is a religious organization purportedly involved in conferences, prayer meetings, and teachings about peace and reconciliation. However, the investigation uncovered that the organization engaged in fraudulent activities, specifically organizing fake foreign conferences.

The investigation further revealed that Nimely orchestrated a scam visa program for a five-day conference scheduled in Australia from December 5 to 9, 2023. He created a false flyer with the images of the Liberian, Kenyan, and Australian flags, bearing the theme “Healing the Broken Hearts of Australian Reconciliation Conference & Crusade.”

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