LIBERIA: GSA Road Man Claims His Life Is Being Threatened in Protecting Land for Right Owners

Business News

LIBERIA: GSA Road Man Claims His Life Is Being Threatened in Protecting Land for Right Owners

Mr. Anthony Cole, the Co-administrator of the Zena’s Estate on GSA Road in Paynesville City, has reaffirmed his commitment to give back to both the Zena and Soyorkon families due diligence by retrieving all properties sold without their awareness. Cole, at a press conference on Wednesday, August 28, at his office on the GSA Roa, disclosed that illegal occupants have encroached on the land of the poor people. According to him, some of those β€œillegal occupants” bought those parcels if land from illegal land sellers, some of whom were illicit drug dealers.

“I have come to assure the Zena and Soryorkon families of my availability and commitment to assist them financially, physically and legally to make sure that which belongs to them be given back,” Cole told reporters.

He further clarified that his position as Co-administrator of the families makes him more zestful to not be deterred but focused on achieving his set goal for them.

Cole emphasized that some illegal occupants residing in the Zena Hill Community have threatened to take away his life. He said, information he got from his sources say that individuals planning to kill him, organized a night-long meeting strategizing ways out to have him eliminated.

According to him, his sources informed him that those who are allegedly plotting to get rid of him, had a night-long planned meeting.

β€œThe masterminders scouted out locations to implement their plot. They planned to use a desperate squad composed of master murderers,” he said.

He accused one of his co-administrators of the Zena Estate, of being one those trying to kill him.

β€œI have currently on my desk names of individuals who are masterminders of the plot. Rregardless of their crafty plans against my life, I will remain upright, persistent and vigorous while using the competent court of jurisdiction to bring the perpetrators to justice,”he said.

Cole used the ocassion to call on the Land Commission again to probe into the matter. According to him,he had called them once to probe into it but they did not show up.


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