LIBERIA: EPA Shutdown China Union Over Environmental Violations

Crime Watch

LIBERIA: EPA Shutdown China Union Over Environmental Violations

IPNEWS: Executive Director of Environmental Protection Agency, Dr. Emmanuel Urey-Yarkpawolo takes series of decisive actions to address major environmental violations and concerns across the country

These actions, according to Dr. Urey-Yarkpawolo, are part of the EPA’s ongoing commitment to enforcing environmental laws and ensuring a safe, healthy environment for all Liberians.

In a press briefing held at the Ministry of Information, Culture, and Tourism on August 29, 2024, Dr. Urey-Yarkpawolo outlined several key interventions recently undertaken by the EPA.

According to him, on August 28, 2024, the EPA ordered the closure of the China Union Iron Ore Mines in Bong County due to severe environmental violations.

Dr. Urey said the company was found operating without the necessary environmental permits, including an effluent discharge license, and was discharging tailings into a nearby wetland without regulation.

He added that despite repeated warnings and a fine of US$120,000 issued by the EPA, China Union continued its operations unlawfully.

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