LIBERIA- Jeety Shares Liberia’s Flag Day with 1624 Inmates at Monrovia Central Prison

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LIBERIA- Jeety Shares Liberia’s Flag Day with 1624 Inmates at Monrovia Central Prison

Renowned Indian businessman and humanitarian, Mr. Upjit Singh Sachdeva, who is more famously known in Liberia as “Mr. Jeety”, on Saturday, August 24, 2024, celebrated Liberia’s Flag Day with the over 1,600 inmates at the Monrovia Central Prison.

Mr. Jeety seen here interacting with kids in Weala on July 26, 2024, Liberia’s Independence Day, was not present at the August 24, 2024 Flag Day at the Monrovia Central Prison

Jeety celebrated with those Liberians in prisons by providing them hot, cooked meal of split-pea bean soup with rice. He also provided soda and water to go along with the rice for the prisoners who have always expressed their gratefulness whenever he and his team go to feed them on days such as the Flag Day and other very important day for the nation.

Jeety provided over 25 tubs of rice for the 1624 inmates

Even though he was not present at this feeding, but it did not stop this humanitarian from sending his team to continue his long-standing tradition of humanitarian outreach by providing meals to prisoners at the Monrovia Central Prison.

The August 24 Flag-Day gesture from Jeety is just part of Indian businessman’s unwavering commitment to feeding the less fortunate. This is an enterprise he has done and advocated for nearly a decade now.

Jeety provided several cases of soda (soft drink) for the inmates at the Monrovia Central Prison

The Indian’s consistent feeding program, which goes beyond prisons to include the homeless and those in dire need, have become a cornerstone of his mission to give back to the community.

The prisoners at Monrovia Central Prison, often overlooked by society, have regularly benefited from Jeety’s benevolence.

At the Monrovia Central Prison, since he was not present, he was represented by some of his Liberian and other Indian employees.

Even though Mr. Jeety wasn’t present, but like Mr. Jeety himself, his team actively participated in the distribution of the food

Speaking in his behalf, Mr. Abdoulaye Bah, an assistant of Jeety, shared his boss’ sentiments to the authorities of the prison and to the inmates. He even wished Liberians a happy Flag Day.

“We have come here to continue the tradition of Mr. Jeety and that is what Mr. Jeety represents: giving back to society. Like he usually says, ‘Don’t give to get back, but give to inspire others to give, too,’” Bah said.

Jeety also provided water for the inmates

Responding, the Deputy Superintendent of the Monrovia Central Prison, Officer Joel Justin Juah, who has witnessed most of the Indian businessman’s humanitarian gestures to the prison facilities over the years, praised and thanked him for his continued efforts.

“Whether rain or not, Mr. Jeety always makes it his responsibility to ensure that the prison facilities not only the Monrovia Central Prison, to get help and not only food items,” Officer Juah said.

Deputy Monrovia Central Prison Superintendent Joel Justin Juah thanking Jeety for the gesture

“Jeety’s commitment to supporting our inmates is nothing short of remarkable. His regular visits and the meals he provides are more than just food; they are a sign that society has not forgotten about them,” the Deputy Monrovia Central Prison Superintendent stated among other things.

On August 24, 2024, there was the total number of 1,624 inmates within the prison compound.

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